^s^saa^i "u;:
Museum of Comparative Zoology
Ernst M^yr UbTdry
Museum of C'; 'm Zoology
Harvajti University
A. F. Abercromby.
London :
MURRAY a^ CO , 180 Brompton Road, S.W.
-Lidd^O ••• ••• ••• •••
Chapter I. Prejudice against Snakes
II. Suitability of Ceylon for the Study of
Ophiology ... ... ... ... 4
III. Snakes in General, and their Anatomy ... 9
IV. The Nine Families of Snakes ... ... 24
V. A Simple Means of Identifying the Poison-
ous Snakes of Ceylon at Sight without
Scientific Knowledge ... ... ... 28
VI. Snake Hunting, Skinning and Preserving 32
VII. Some Records of Snake Hunting... ... 45
VIII. Protective Colouration ... ... ... 52
IX. Snakes in Captivity ... ... ... 55
X. The Common Boidae, Viperidae and
Colubridae of Ceylon ... ... ... 67
„ XI. Some Legends and Stories about Snakes 82
Appendix. Effect on Snakes of Electric Light ... ... 89
As far as I am aware no book has as yet been
written upon the " Snakes of Ceylon," though
accounts of the latter are usually included in the
many works and treatises on the Ophidia of India.
These works, however, are, as a rule, too
technical for the general reader, and are more
suited to the scientist than the naturalist. Natural
History books, on the other hand, seldom give
sufficiently detailed information about the Snakes,
and only touch lightly on this interesting branch of
Natural History. I have, however, attempted to
supply this omission by describing the subject in
nearly all of its most interesting aspects, and
feeble though the attempt is, I trust that the
Scientist, Naturalist, Sportsman, and Taxidermist
may each find something to interest him in this
small volume, compiled from information gleaned
while keeping and studying Snakes in Ceylon.
In compiling this book I have obtained much
valuable information from the following well-known
works : —
**The Fauna of British India — Reptilia and
Batrachia," M. G. A. Boulenger.
" The Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes of our
British India Dominions," Major F. Wall.
'' Nicholson's Indian Snakes," Mr. E. Nichol-
Chapter I.
There is a lot of undue prejudice and dislike
with regard to Snakes. It is true that the poison-
ous varieties should be feared, but it is not merely
fear of these, that creates the dislike prevalent
against the whole of the Serpent race. It is
Prejudice. People who have studied and written
books on these reptiles have nothing detrimental
to say against them. An attack by a lion or a tiger
is just as apt to terminate fatally as the bite of a
cobra, but the former are not regarded with the
same horror, with which people think of serpents.
This prejudice is due mostly to ignorance. It is Reasons fo
human nature to fear what we cannot understand. Inakes? °^
When you see a snake moving, without any
visible means of propulsion, you fear it, as it ap-
pears uncanny.
When you see the fixed stare of a snake (due
to the absence of eyelids), you attribute it to hyp-
notic powers, and fear it more than ever. That
snakes actually exert hypnotic power to attract
their prey is a fallacy. A frog or rat coming sud-
denly upon a snake, may become partially paralysed
through fear, thinking that the snake is looking at
it, although at the time the serpent may be asleep,
but is unable to close its eyes owing to the absence
of eyelids. A frog or a lizard will often, under the
circumstances keep still, in a seemingly paralysed
condition, hoping that its protective coloration will
enable it to avoid observation.
The much maligned snake is often referred to
by people, who have never handled or studied one,
as *' an ugly slimy thing." A snake on the contrary
is dry skinned, and is one of the most beautiful
works of Creation. You never find a snake with
unsightly angles and corners (though the heads of
a few snakes are repulsive). The movements of
the snake are silent and graceful, they make no
disturbing noise, and do not fight and quarrel with
each other, which is more than can be said of the
Human race. In fact, the malicious nature so
often attributed to snakes is entirely non-existent.
Another reason for the fear occasioned by snakes
(mostly noticeable, by the way, in those who have
seldom, if ever, seen a snake) is the extremely
** tall " romances that are related sometimes by
people who have been out in the East, and wish on
their return to thrill their hearers with highly-
exaggerated stories. Some time ago, when reading
over a rather old number of a magazine, I came
across such a story.
The Author starts by entering his billiard
room one morning and finds twenty-seven snakes
in it, which he kills. He then goes for a walk in
his garden, to repair his shattered nerves, and is
chased round and round a hayrick by a cobra.
When this has gone on for half an hour, the cobra
leaves him, and he retires to bed (and about time
too!), and in doing so steps on a deadly viper.
The Author ends by stating that he is a teetotaler,
and I can quite understand why. It is stories
such as this that intimidate possible visitors to the
East, and make them expect to find cobras
regularly " with their morning tea."
The following is taken from a book on Ceylon,
recently published. Referring to a journey between
Polgahawela and Mihintale, the Authoress mentions
that '* that peculiar hiss heralded the approach of
a cobra, who, with head erect, would gaze at the
travellers." Again, " Amidst the cracking and
roar" (of the flames) ''the hiss hiss of the cobra
was distinctly visible, besides the muffled moan of
the boa-constrictor in flight for life," and further
on, referring to che cobra, '' It sneaked along the
floor spitting out virus in all directions."
No wonder that the snake has such a bad
name !
The stories that one so often hears of pursuit
by snakes are easily explained.
A snake, when disturbed, will not always
retreat in the opposite direction to which it is
approached, but will make a bee line for its hole,
or the nearest jungle.
If it is on a hillside it will be almost certain to
go down-hill when disturbed by anyone.
If a person is going along a path, a snake will
sometimes cross the road in front of him, and
probably follow the man if his line of retreat lies
down-hill, or in the same direction as the snake's
hole is. Hence the fanciful idea of pursuit by a
If snakes could talk they would probably tell
as alarming stories about mankind, as man does of
Only when cornered or injured will a snake
attack, and then, if left alone, will always retreat.
All snakes have an instinctive fear of human
beings, and even members of the Python family
(the Giant Anaconda, for instance) will always
retreat if they get sufficient warning of his approach.
The rare cases in which people have been seized
and crushed by boa-constrictors, etc., are probably
due to the snakes mistaking them for deer or other
game, the sight of the different species of the
Pythoninae being very bad in the daytime. In
fact, a nocturnal snake that is having a meal in the
daylight will sometimes seize and bite its own body
in mistake for the dead body of its prey.
Chapter II.
Ceylon is an ideal country for the study of
Snakes. There are many Eastern countries con-
taining more snakes, and more varieties, but in few
other countries are there so many varieties to be
found in so small an area.
This is chiefly due to the geographical con-
ditions prevalent in Ceylon, where so many different
formations of country are to be met with, and so
many different temperatures and climates. There
are the mountains beloved of the earth-snakes, the
swamplands, where the pythons and water snakes
abound ; the jungle bounded paddy fields, where
the cobras, rat-snakes, and other varieties indulge
in their evening frog hunting ; the Patana covered
downs of Uva, giving cover to snakes of all
descriptions, which are seldom seen except when
the grass is being burnt down ; and the sandy
Jaffna district, the home of the Russell's Viper,
the Bungarus Caeruleus and the Echis Carinata.
Represent- Although many genera are represented in
ationof Ccylon, the number of representatives to be found
Ceylon. of cach gcnus is comparatively small. Thus the
large family of Bungarums (or Kraits), eleven in
number, have only two representatives in Ceylon,
the Bungarus Ceylonicus and the Bungarus Caeru-
leus, the latter being very rare and only found in
Jaffna. The large family of the Trimeresuri is only
represented by the T. Trigonocephalus. Lycodon
Aulicus and L. Carinatus are the only specimens
of the Lycodontidae to be found in Ceylon, and
the Tropidonoti are only found in the forms
Quincunciatus (Piscator'*^), Stolatus, Ceylonensis
and Plumbicolor.
On the other hand, there are many species of
Earth-snake pecuHar to Ceylon. These snakes are
very numerous in the mountain districts, and
probably many varieties have still to be recorded.
The Gongylophis Conicus has not as yet been
found in Ceylon, though its existence in the
northern portion of the island is quite probable.
The Echis Carinata is to be found in the north,
though it is very rare.
List of Snakes found in Ceylon.
I. Typhlopidae.
1 Typhlops Mirus
2 ,, Braminus
II. Boidae.
3 Python Molurus
III. Ilysiidae.
4 Cylindrophis Maculatus
IV. Uropeltidae.
5 Uropeltis Grandis
6 Rhinophis Oxyrhynchus
7 ,, Punctatus
8 ,, Planiceps
9 ,, Blythii
10 Silybura Melanogaster
V. Colubridae.
(Aglypha) Sub-Family Coltibrinae,
11 Aspidura Brachyorrhos
"*The Ceylon variety of this snake is now known as Tropidonotus
12 Aspidura Copii
13 ,, Guentheri
14 ,, Trachyprocta
15 ,, Drummondhayi
16 Haplocercus Ceylonensis
17 Lycodon Aulicus
18 „ Striatus
19 ,, Carinatus
20 Hydrophobus Nympha
21 „ Gracilis
22 Polyodontophis Subpunctatus.
23 Ablabes Calamaria
24 Simotes Arnensis
25 Oligodon Templetonii
26 ,, Sublineatus
27 „ Subgriseus
28 „ Ellioti
29 Zamenis Mucosus
30 ,, Fasciolatus
31 Coluber Helena
32 Dendrophis Pictus
33 ,, Bifrenalis
34 ,, Caudolineolatus
35 Tropidonotus Ceylonensis
36 ,, Plumbicolor
37 ,, Piscator*
38 ,. Stolatus
39 Helicops Schistosus
* Known as Asperrimus in Ceylon.
(Opisthoglypha) Sitb-Family Dipsadinac.
40 Dipsas Barnesii
41 ,, Ceylonensis
42 ,, Forstenii
43 Dryophis Mycterizans
44 ,, Pulverulentus
45 Chrysopelea Ornata
(Opisthoglypha) Sub-Family Homalopsinae,
46 Cerberus Rhynchops
47 Hypsirhina Enhydris
(Proteroglypha) Sub-Family Elapinae
25 _
48 Callophis Trimaculatus
49 Bungarus Ceylonicus
50 ,, Caeruleus
51 Naia Tripudians
VI. Viperidae.
Sub-Family Viperinae.
52 Vipera Russellii
53 Echis Carinata
Sub-Family Crotalinae.
54 Ancistrodon Hypnale
55 Trimeresurus Trigonocephalus
There are three snakes I have omitted to
enumerate, as their existence in Ceylon is doubtful ;
Gerardia Prevostiana, Ancistrodon Millardi, Tri-
meresurus Gramineus.
Gerardia Prevostiana was accidentally recorded
from Ceylon, and its presence there denied by
Prof. Boulenger.
AncistFodon Millardi is mentioned by Major
Wall as being a second variety of Ancistrodon
The existence of Trimeresurus Gramineus in
Ceylon is doubtful.
Exclusive of these there are 55 snakes in
Ceylon and 31 genera are represented. The
The Aglypha, Colubrinae and Achcrochordinae (the
Suspected' ^^^^^^ ^^^ represented in Ceylon) are harmless.
and Harm- The Opisthoglypha, Dipsadinae and Homalopsinae
less Snakes. ^^^ slightly poisonous (back-fanged), and the
Proteroglypha, Elapinae and Hydrophiinae (the
latter are omitted from the list, being Sea-snakes)
are poisonous (front-fanged). All the Viperidae
are poisonous. The remaining Families are
Chapter III.
Snakes may be distinguished from lizards,
earth and blind worms, by means of the following
short definition : —
(a) Elongate body, with a scale-covered Definition
epidermis, cast several times during the year, of Snakes
(b) No eyelids, the eyes being covered by
hard and transparent shields, which form part
of, and are cast with, the epidermis.
{c) No limbs, though vestiges of hind legs
are to be found in certain earth-snakes, the
Python, and the male Gongylophis.
(d) Absence of visible ears.
[e) The connection of the jawbones by
muscles and ligaments, and the expansion
thereby obtained owing to the absence of
natural joints.
(/) The presence of teeth on the palate
(in most snakes) in addition to those in the
The snake moves by means of ventrals, or,,
oblong shields on the underside of the body, their Locomotion,
ends being connected by muscles with the ends of
the ribs. By moving forward one pair of ribs after
the other, the edges of the ventrals catch and
press against the ground, in much the same manner
as the paddles of a steamboat press upon the water,
except that the paddles are perpendicular to the
surface of the water, whereas the snake's ventrals
lie almost flat along the ground. In this manner
the snake is propelled forward.
The Tail and
its Uses,
Shape of
Body and
The Heads
and Head-
The tail plays no part in the locomotion of
the snake, but helps to steer its body, and is useful
as a prehensile organ in the case of Tree-Snakes.
When moving fast the snake lashes itself along
the ground in a succession of curves. This enables
it to take a hold of the ground with the outer
portions of the ventrals, which, gripping the ground
better than the central portions, enable the snake
to move faster. The tail again comes in useful in
assisting the lateral undulations of the snake.
It is noticeable that in certain fast-moving
snakes, such as Zamenis, Dendrophis, and Dryophis
(the Rat-snake, Copper Tree-snake, and Whip-
snake), the tail is long in comparison with the
length of the body, while in slow-moving snakes,
such as the families Uropeltidse, Boidse, and
Viperidse, the tail is short.
Certain snakes, the Dipsadinse and the Tri-
meresuri, vibrate their tales when irritated. This
is in some way explainable in the Trimeresuri, as
they belong to the same sub-family (Crotalinse) as
the Rattlesnake, but this does not explain the
habit in the Dipsadinae. This peculiarity is also
noticeable in other snakes, mostly Tree-snakes, but
in not nearly so marked a degree.
Snakes may have cylindrical or compressed
bodies. The former are most noticeable among
Earth-snakes (Uropeltidse, Xenopeltidse, etc.) and
the latter among Tree-snakes (Dipsadinae). Among
certain Tree-snakes lateral keels are to be found ;
that is, they have their outer rows of scales very
much enlarged, and as broad as the ventrals. This
is especially noticeable in the different varieties of
The heads of snakes vary very considerably,
and, together with the shields on them, form the
most important factor in the identification of
The shields on the heads of the various
genera of Colubridae are regular in pattern, and
identification of the different species can only be
done by minute comparisons of the comparative
sizes of the different shields in relation to one
another. The shapes of the heads in this large
family are very variable, some being spade-shaped,
some elongate, some oval, a few rounded, some
triangularly elongate, and some pointed.
The Amblycephalidae have enlarged but a rough
regular shields, such as those found on the classification
Colubridae, and their heads are club-shaped. The Cf thVheads^
snakes of the family Viperidae have mostly ^^^,^,^^^'
1 11 -11 • r ^ shielding
triangular heads, with the exception oi the found in the
Azemiops Feae and Echis Carinata, which have ^^^^y?^*^
round heads, and the Crotalinae, which have pear-
shaped heads. Some of the vipers have their heads
covered with scales, some have regular shields on
their heads, and others have partly-shielded and
partly-scaled heads. The heads of the Boidae vary
considerably, the shielding of the Pythons being
unique in its pattern, while Gongylophis and Eryx
have heads covered with scales.
The Uropeltidae and Ilysiide have differently-
shaped shields to those of the Colubridae, the
shields being enlarged and straight-sided, while a
few shields that are present in the Colubridae are
missing in the Earth-snakes. The shielding on the
Xenopeltidae is really a mixture of the types found
on the two above-mentioned families and that on
the Colubridae.
The shields found on the Glauconidae and
Typhlopidae are peculiar, and resemble the shield-
ing of no other family. Their heads are of a type
peculiar to themselves, while the heads of Urope-
tidae, Ilysiidae, Xenopeltidae, and Boidae resemble
in shape those found among the Colubridae.
after death
in the
The Colouration of snakes is of three kinds :
(i) The natural colour of the scales.
(2) Colour formed by pigments under the
(3) Colour on the skin between the scales.
Most dull-coloured snakes, such as the Cobra
and Rat-snake, belong to the first class.
The second form of colouration is found
mostly in Tree and brightly coloured snakes, often
together with the third form of skin colouration
between the scales.
It is the colouration by pigments that is
responsible for the colour change which sometimes
occurs in certain snakes. The skins of snakes
coloured in this way lose their colour after the
snake has been killed and the skin removed.
Take, for example, the Dendrophis Pictus-
The colours found on this snake when alive are
very numerous, and comprise blue, green, brown,
olive, and yellow.
After death the pigment (or optical) colours
disappear, leaving the scale colouring, brown and
olive, and the sky blue colour found on the
interstitial skin. These fade, and the ground colour,
when the skin is dry, is dark blue, fading into light
blue near the ventrals, though, when held to the
light the part originally coloured by pigment is
found to be transparent, and is crossed by dark
streaks, which are what remains of the colour on
the interstitial skin.
Scale colouration is not always uniform, but
certain scales may be of a contrasting colour, and
form a pattern. The depth of the colour in a
snake's skin may be judged by the fact that the
cast epidermis of a snake is colourless, though in
the case of the Python dark marking may be
faintly seen on its cast skin.
Cutting a snake open, from the head down to The internal
the ana], one first notices, in the snake's mouth, '^^^"^*
two tubular sheaths, the foremost containing
the tongue, and the one behind being the ter-
mination of the windpipe. The flexibiUty of the
windpipe is demonstrated when a snake is swallow-
ing anything at all large.
When the animal or bird being devoured is Protrusion
about half way into the snake's mouth, the snake windpipe,
will project its windpipe beyond the lower lip, in
much the same manner as a tongue is protruded,
where it opens and closes, taking in air — in this
way a snake avoids suffocation, when both the
mouth and the interior orifices of the nasal passage
are blocked by the food. A ten-foot python can
protrude its windpipe a good half-inch beyond the
lower lip.
About quarter of the way down the body are
Lungs, or rather lung, as only the left one is
properly developed. It is formed of a network of
air cells, and only the anterior portion is used for
breathing, the posterior being an air reservoir.
The Hydrophiinse (Sea-snakes) naturally have
very well developed lungs. The Heart is in front
of the anterior portion of the lungs, while at the
posterior end comes the Liver, a large elongate
organ, which extends down to behind the stomach.
At the lower end of the stomach, where digestion Digestion,
principally takes place, come the Gall-bladder and
Pancreas. Below these latter are large masses of
fat, which form a reserve supply of nourishment
for the snake when it is fasting. The stomach
cannot of course contain the large amount of food
swallowed, but as digestion takes place, the lower
portion of the animal swallowed passes into the
Intestines (situated below the Pancreas), and the
remainder of the food passes from the gullet into
the stomach. The fat surrounding the stomach
The Five
Forms of
helps to lubricate the system, and plays an import-
ant part in assisting the liver and other organs in
their work of digestion. The Ovaries lie in front
of the intestine, and resemble transparent sacks,
which sometimes extend nearly half way up the
body of the snake.
The Dentition of Snakes is of five kinds : —
(i) Solid teeth (all harmless snakes).
(2) Grooved and immovable fangs, situ-
ated in the back of the upper jaws, behind
the solid maxillary teeth, and which may be
provided with a slight amount of poison
(Dipsadinse, Homalopsinse).
(3) Fangs grooved and immovable, situ-
ated in front of the other maxillary teeth and
supplied with virulent poison (Hydropiinse).
(4) Poison fangs in a better stage of
development, supplied with virulent poison,
and situated in front of the other maxillary
teeth, with well-marked poison canals down
their centres. These fangs can be slightly
erected and depressed (Elapidae of India and
(5) The whole poison apparatus in its
best stage of development. Fangs much en-
larged, caniculate, and capable of being en-
tirely erected and depressed (Viperidae).
The erection and depression of the fang is
found in its most perfect form among the Viperidae,
and is accomplished in the following manner : —
The maxillary bone is a bone situated behind
and below the snout, where it moves in a socket
Bones of the ^o^^^d by the " snout bones" (prae-frontal).
skull and Welded to the lower end of the maxillary bone
is the fang, while the centre of the maxillary bone
is itself hinged on to another bone (the ectopteri-
goid), which can be protruded and retracted by
muscles, thus raising and depressing the fang.
Mobility of
the fang.
These muscles also move the palatine bones, which
are the inner branches of what are known as the
pterygoids, the maxillaries forming, in the harmless
snakes, the outer branches.
All snakes bear teeth on the palate, except
Oligodon and a few varieties of Earthsnakes.
A snake's mouth is capable of great expansion,
the lower jawbones being joined to each other at
the anterior (chin) end by muscles and skin, while
at the posterior end they are loosely connected
with the skull by quadrates, long-hinged bones
which enable the mandibles to be protruded to a
great extent. The lower end of the quadrates also
hinge with the pterygoids, which themselves branch
out into four branches, the two inner ones being
the palatine bones, and the outer ones the " maxil-
The poison fangs of a snake are shed frequently The
during its life (very often about the skin-shedding ^^^'^^gf^
period). As the fangs loosen, the teeth behind, placing of
which by this time have reached almost their full ^^® ^^"^^•
growth, move forward and are used in place of the
original fangs, replacing the latter when they fall
out. If a snake is killed at this period and a
maxillary bone removed it will be found that the
front fang can be easily extracted from the bone
with the fingers, but that the hinder fang will be
firmly welded on. In some snakes, usually old
ones, I have counted as many as three fully
developed fangs on each side, the front ones being
loose and the back one firm.
Teeth of every stage of development may be
found in a snake's mouth, and the ones behind
move forward and replace any of the front ones
that may have become broken. When, therefore,
people talk of a snake's fangs growing again it is
incorrect ; they do not grow again, they are
The injecting
of poison.
Results of
The salivary glands are situated along the
jaws and below the teeth, and the saliva is
discharged through small openings in the membrane
surrounding the teeth.
The poison glands are merely a development
of the salivary glands, and vary in size in the
different poisonous snakes. In the genus Ad-
eniophis (not found in Ceylon) they extend to
one-third of the way down the body, but in most
snakes only occupy a small portion of the head.
The gland is situated below and behind the
eye, and is connected with the base of the fang by
a small duct. When the snake bites, the fang
presses upon the gland, forcing out a drop or two
of poison, which, flowing down the duct, enters the
canal in the fang and comes out of an oriface near
the point of the tooth.
The effect of, and antidotes for, snake poison
is a subject which has been much written about
and much discussed, but very little has been
discovered about it.
The symptoms of death from snake bite vary
very considerably, and depend on the amount of
poison injected, the part where it was injected,
the condition of the blood at the time of the
injection, the size and general condition of the
snake, together with the amount of poison in
its glands at the time, and the condition and
general behaviour of the person bitten.
In most cases death from the bite of the
common cobra (Naia Tripudians) seems to be
almost painless, except for smarting in the member
bitten, as convulsions and suffocation seldom take
place until after the patient has become unconscious.
During my absence from Colombo the man in
charge of my Serpentarium disobeyed orders, and
allowed a coolie to handle one of my tame cobras,
which bit him in the hand. My servant at once
tied a ligature and lanced the bite, rubbing in
permanganate of potash as previously instructed.
The coolie then went to hospital, where mortification
of the arm set in. He recovered after nearly two
months, but was not able to use his hand for some
A fowl which I once saw bitten in the leg by
a cobra showed signs of sleepiness after three
minutes, then sat down and fell on its side uncon-
scious, when spasms and signs of suffocation
followed, the fowl respiring slowly and spasmodi-
cally with its mouth wide open. Death occurred
about five minutes after the fowl had been bitten.
I have seen a rat killed by a cobra, with the
symptoms above described. Death took place
after thirty seconds.
A Russell's viper killed a rat in twenty minutes.
The rat kept becoming giddy and recovering again,
but at last fell over unconscious, when spasms and
death took place.
These are the only deaths (of animals) from
snake bite which I have seen, and on each occasion
it seems to have been painless, as the animal was
unconscious before any visible symptoms of dis-
comfort took place. The eyes remained open, and
did not close when touched. About fifteen minutes
after death the fur of the rat and feathers of the
fowl became loose, probably due to the mortification
of the flesh as a result of the poison.
Some letters appeared in the Ceylon Govern-
ment Directory relating to the effects and cures for
snake bite.
I express no opinion as regards the theories,
but give extracts from them, as they are interesting
and contain much useful data.
" When about a dozen yards above the stream, snake^Jte."
I stepped off a rock on to a tuft of grass, when J^o^ t|ie
suddenly from the side of the tuft, a brownish flat Directory."
head struck at me viciously, but missed me by a
few inches. I jumped back on the rock badly
frightened, for I had recognised the snake as being
the much-dreaded "tic."* I stood absolutely still
for about ten minutes, peering about me through
the tall grass, but could see nothing, though
several times I heard rustlings down below. This
got on my nerves after a bit, so taking a box of
matches from my pocket, I set fire to the grass all
round me, so that I soon stood in the centre of a
blackened clearing. I then cheerfully lit my pipe,
congratulating myself on my escape, and again
started up the hill. I had not gone more than ten
yards, when a flat, brown head struck at me again,
and I felt a sharp prick on my right leg just above
my boot. Regardless of another bite, I leapt after
the snake, lashing at it with my stick in a sudden
fury. Then I realised what had happened, and a
nasty cold feeling seized me and sweat stood on my
forehead. I knew that I had only two hours at
most to live, and I felt an angry resentment against
fate. Then my presence of mind returned, and,
sitting down, I scratched the skin round the two
little punctures away with my finger nails and
sucked as hard as I could through thin grass stalks.
This probably saved, or helped to save, my life. I
must have sucked out some of the poison, as I felt
a bitter taste in my mouth. I then turned and ran
back to the bungalow, which was about three-
quarters of a mile away. Arrived at the foot of the
last flight of steps, I turned suddenly giddy, and
sat down on a rock. Summoning all my will power
to help me, I tottered up the verandah and yelled
for the *' boy," telling him to bring whisky at once.
My friend sent ofl* a cooly
for the nearest doctor. I was drinking tumblerfulls
* Russeirs viper.
of neat whisky all this time. Then my leg went
quite numb, so I limped across to the writing table
and drew up a will, which he signed. Just as I had
finished the pains came on ; I writhed in my chair
in agony All this time the " boy ^' was
rubbing my leg with limes, but I could feel nothing.
After finishing a whole bottle of raw whisky I got
more or less drunk, which is the only thing to do
under the circumstances I soon went
to sleep, then began to turn grey, and my pulse
stopped beating. The doctor injected strychnine
and started things off again. My friend resigned
himself to the fact that I was pegging out, when
the local barber, a Tamil, ran up, saying he could
cure master He produced a small
black stone shaped like an almond
First of all, passing the palms of his hands from
my head to my feet several times, as if hypnotising
me, he then placed the stone on the bitten place,
where it stuck like a limpet. After several hours
he took off the stone with great difficulty and
placed it in some milk, which was quickly impreg-
nated with the poison. He told me that I had
been undoubtedly bitten by a ticpolonga. In the
middle of the night the pains returned, and my
friend sent off at once for the barber, who went
through the same operation as before, telling me
that the stone would drop off by itself in twelve
hours. He applied the stone at twenty-five
minutes after midnight, and it dropped off at
twenty minutes to one the following afternoon !
My leg is now sound again, and, except for
occasional cramp, causes me no trouble."
Mr. E. E. Green, of Peradeniya, in reference
to the poisonous snakes of Ceylon, writes as
follows : —
*' But we have more than one species of
venomous snake, the bite of which is seldom, if
ever, fatal. Our smaller viper (Ancistrodon Hyp-
nale) is a case in point. I have had particulars of
several occurrences of coolies bitten by this species.
Though the resulting symptoms were alarming at
the time (partly due, probably, to nervous shock),
the patients recovered without any special treatment
having been applied. Boulenger reports of this
snake, that ' its bite is said to be but exceptionally
fatal to man.' The fully-grown Ancistrodon
averages about a foot and a half in length, and
bears a superficial resemblance to the large
'Ticpolonga' (Vipera Russellii). Our ^ Green
Tic ' (Trimeresurus Trigonocephalus) — though of
villainous appearance — is still less deadly. It has
been stated by an Indian authority that the bite of
this snake is seldom followed by worse symptoms
than a severe headache. I have heard of a man
who deliberately chopped off a finger after having
been bitten by a * Green Tic,' and was satisfied
that he had saved his life by so doing.
*' It may be said that at such a critical time
no man would wait to kill the snake ; but apart
from the scientific interest of the determination of
every snake that has bitten a man with serious
results, much inconvenience, and even some loss of
life, might be avoided by the discovery that the
assailant was either harmless or not fatally
venomous. For there are well-established cases
of death following upon the bite of a non-venomous
snake — due to fright and consequent nervous
The following is an extract from a letter on
the " Snake stone " and snake poisons : —
" The so-called stone is animal charcoal. It
sucks the poison if applied immediately after the
bite. The bite of the cobra is more dangerous, in so
far as the poison circulates more rapidly, and if
instantaneous remedies are applied the poison is
soon got under. But not so the bite of the
Ticpolonga. It takes a longer time for the poison
to take effect — from four to ten hours. What I
mean is, while the cobra bite proves fatal within
three or four hours if not treated, the bite of the
Ticpolonga will not kill a man for about twelve
hours or so ; but it is exceedingly difficult to bring
out the poison of the Tic."
In the ''Visitors' Book" in Nalanda Rest-
house there is an entry dated July 24th, 1908,
evidently made by someone who had been stopping
at the Resthouse, mentioning that '* the Resthouse
keeper's son had been bitten on the foot by a large
cobra ; that a native doctor had been sent for and
applied remedies, but the patient was in a very bad
state." The writer also mentioned that he was
obliged to leave the Resthouse without waiting to
see the outcome of the bite, but, that should the
boy recover, it would be a marvellous cure and
should be inquired into.
It was about three weeks afterwards that I
read the above statement in the Resthouse book,
and found the patient (a youth of about 22 years)
to be quite recovered, though the fang marks were
discernable in the side of his foot. Upon inquiry
I learnt that, although some time had elapsed
before the arrival of the native doctor, and the foot
was much swollen, the latter had managed to cure
him by giving him herbs to eat, and by putting a
herb in his own mouth and sucking the wound.
There was no cauterizing or lancing. The patient
suffered extreme pain in the night, and his leg
became much swollen, showing that the poison
must have got well into the wound. I do not
know whether the doctor repeated the treatment,
but the boy got all right in a day or two, and
suffered from no subsequent illness or weakness,
such as is usual after receiving a large dose of
poison into the system.
The doctor had a local reputation for the cure
of snake bite.
The average number of deaths from snake-
bite in Ceylon is about 200 per annum, and when
the number of deaths that occur in the island from
other causes (about 125,000) is taken into con-
sideration, the mortality from snake bite seems
surprisingly low, especially as the movements of
the natives are practically noiseless, and he must
run considerable risk, when in the jungle, of
suddenly stepping on to a snake lying asleep in the
grass. This low mortality is, I believe, due to the
fact that, though snakes are numerous in Ceylon,
the percentage of deadly specimens is exceedingly
small. I consider the danger from snakes is much
exaggerated, and that the increasing spread of
rabies in the island is a far greater menace to its
Many antidotes have been tried for the cure
of snake-bite, but no infallible cure has as yet been
found. Amongst the best remedies at present
relied on is the injection of permanganate of
potash crystals into the wound, which, although a
very successful absorbent remedy, is reported to
have a poisonous effect on the blood. The injection
of strychnine has also been adopted with success.
When a "poison destroying" remedy is injected
into the blood a tight ligature should be placed
above the wound (the longer the poison has been
in the system the higher the ligature should be
placed. This prevents the carrying of the poison
to the lungs and heart by the blood, but it also has
the effect of concentrating the poison on the lower
portion of the limb, and although it may help to
save the patient's life, it is liable to cause severe
gangrene in the portion below the bandage.
Innoculation, if successfully done, is a great
safeguard against the effects of a snake-bite, but
the innoculation is fraught with much danger,
being as yet merely in the experimental stage,
though I fully believe it has been practised for
many years by Indian and Burmese snake-
What is still required for the cure of snake
bite is, not so much a remedy — of which there are
many good ones — which will absorb and neutralize
the poison, but either a means by which this
neutralizer may be enabled to reach the poison, or
a treatment for keeping up the vitality of a patient
until the poison becomes absorbed by the system.
If there has been much delay after the bite, local
treatment is practically useless, and everything
depends on a general treatment of the system.
The poison of the Opisthoglypha, the back-
fanged snakes, is so slight as to be hardly notice-
able to human beings whom they have bitten, but
it probably paralyses the small birds and reptiles
on which they live. The reason for this is explain-
able in the case of the Tree-snakes, which have
very thin skins, as the struggles of their prey when
caught would probably injure the delicate skin of
their throats were it not for the poison contained
in the back fangs, which paralyses the victim. The
skins of some of these snakes arc so delicate as to
be transparent when dry.
I have allowed specimens of Dipsas and
Dryophis to bite me, but have never felt any
appreciable effect of the poison, but a " bungalow
servant " who was bitten by a large Dryophis
Mycterizans suffered from local pain and swelling
for a couple of days. A young wild kitten I kept
died in great pain from the bite of the above snake,
which I found in its box about two hours after
receiving the bite, the symptoms being giddiness,
^followed by spasms, and insensibility.
Chapter IV.
Snakes are divided into nine Families, which
in some cases are divided again into Sub-famiUes.
The FamiHes are as follows (using Prof.
Boulenger's classification) : — Typhlopidae, Glau-
conidae, Boidae. Ilysiidae, Uropeltidae, Xenopel-
between^"^ tidac, Colubridae, Amblycephalidae, Viperidae.
the Nine I. The Typhlopidue are small cylindrical
snakes, with short tails ending in a spike. They
belong to the lowest order of snakes, and having
no ventrals, resemble worms. The extension of
their jaws is exceedingly limited, and they have
traces of rudimentary hind legs, which, however,
are hidden under the skin.
2. Glauconidae. — There is only one genus in
this family. The upper mandible in these snakes
greatly overhangs the lower jaw. In other respects
they much resemble the Typhlopidae.
3. Boidae. — This family is closely connected
with the Ilysiidae in having traces of rudimentary
hind legs, which, in the genus Python are visible in
the form of thorn-like projections on each side of
the anal. The spurs are also visible in the male
Gongylophis. The three genera in the family,
Python, Gongylophis, and Eryx, kill their prey by
constriction. Although large snakes, their rudi-
mentary hind legs and narrow ventrals point to
their close connection with the Earth-snakes.
4. Ilysiidae. — A family of short cylindrical
snakes with conical tails, very narrow ventrals, and
visible traces of hind legs.
5. Uropeltidae. — This is a large family, com-
posed of burrowing snakes with cylindrical bodies,
short shield pointed tails, and very small ventrals.
Some species have beautiful irridescent skins.
6. Xenopeltidae — Only one genus, and one
species. A small irridescent snake, with narrow
ventrals, and with the outer rows of scales
7. Coliibridae. This is by far the largest
family of snakes, and contains all those species
that have no striking peculiarities such as would
serve to classify them for any other family. In
fact, one might say that the members of the
Colubridae got placed in that family by the rediictio
ad absicrdtim method. The Colubridae are divided
as follows :
I I i
Aglypha. Opisthoglypha. Proteroglypha.
(Solid toothed, (Back fanged, (Front fanged,
harmless.) slightly poisonous.) very poisonous.)
Colubrinae. Achrochordinae.
Elapinae. Hyarophiinae.
Dipsadinse. Homalopsinae.
The Ao[lypha are harmless snakes with solid Sub-divisions
4- 4-U oi the
teetn. Colubridae.
The Opisthoglypha have their back teeth
grooved for poison, and are slightly poisonous.
The Proteroglypha have well-developed poison
fangs in the front of their mouths, and are ex-
tremely poisonous.
The sub-family Colubrinae contains the
greatest number of the common harmless Colubers,
including terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and a few
arborial species (some of the latter with lateral
keels) ; also several intermediate genera that link
the Colubridae with the Earth-snakes.
The semi-aquatic snakes (Tropidonotus,
Helicops, etc.) belonging to this sub-family have
not the construction of the true water-snake, but
resemble the rest of the Colubrinae, though their
skin (in some species) is somewhat tightly welded
to the vertebrae.
The Achrochordinae is a small sub-family of
snakes which connects the semi-aquatic forms
mentioned above with the Sea-snakes.
These snakes are covered with small tubular
and strongly-keeled scales, and some of the genera
have no ventrals, but have slightly compressed
tails, and resemble the Hydrophiinae.
The Dipsadinae belong to the back-fanged
class. The largest and most important genera are
arboreal (Dipsas, Dryophis, Chrysopelea), and have
compressed bodies.
The Homalopsinae are the true fresh-water
snakes, with nostrils on the upper surface of the
snout, and rather compressed tails. They also
belong to the back-fanged group.
The Elapinae are, apart from the Bungarums,
better represented in Australia than in the East.
They are poisonous front-fanged Colubers, and
include many of the most deadly snakes in
They are regular in shape, except for the
genus Callophis, which is composed of small thin
snakes that in outward appearance resemble earth
snakes, are often known as Coral snakes, and are
most numerous in Australia. The Elapinae, by
the way, are all terrestrial.
The Hydrophiinae are the sea-snakes proper,
front-fanged, and very deadly, with granule-like
scales, flat tails, and no ventrals.
This concludes the family Colubridae.
8. The A mblycephalidae are blunt-headed snakes
with compressed bodies. They can only expand
their jaws slightly, have no mental groove, and are
9, The Viperidae. This family is divided into
two sub-families (i) Viperinae, (2) Crotalinae. The
latter are distinguishable by the pit they have
between the eye and the nostril, and are commonly
known as " Pit Vipers/' All vipers are very
poisonous, and have enlarged fangs, capable of
being erected or depressed, and a well-developed
poison apparatus.
Table of the Terrestrial Genera of Ceylon.
2 3 4 5 6
Boidae Ilysiidae Uropeltidae Colubridae Viperidae
1 Typhlops 2 (a) Python 3 Cylindrophis 4 Uropeltis
5 Silybura
6 Rhinophis
[Viperinae] | [Crotalinae]
7 Vipera 9 Ancistrodon
8 Echis 10 (a) Trimeresurus
[Dipsadinae] [Homalopsinas] [Elapinse]
24 {a) Dipsas 27 (aq) Cerberus 29 Callophis
25 (a) Dryophis 28 (aq) Hypsirhina 30 Bungarus
26 {a) Chrysopelea 31 Naia
(a) Arboreal
{sq) Semi-aquatic
{aq) Aquatic
[ ] means Sub-Family
1 1 Aspidura
12 Haplocercus
13 Lycodon
14 Hydrophobus
15 Polyodontophis
16 Ablabes
17 SinK>tes
18 Oligodon
19 Zamenis
20 {a) Coluber
21 (a) Dendrophis
22 (sq) Tropidonotus
23 (sq) Helicops
The Acrochordinae are not represented in
Ceylon, except by Chrysydrus Granulatus, which,
being practically a Sea-snake in its construction
and habits, I have omitted, together with the
Hydrophiinae. Gerardia Prevostiana I have also
omitted, its existence in Ceylon being doubtful.
Chapter V.
There are many people who are desirous of
identifying the poisonous varieties of Ceylon
snakes when met with, but are unwilling to make a
detailed study of head-shields, scaling, and den-
tition, etc., necessary for the identification of a
snake. In order to identify a snake by scientific
methods, it is also necessary to catch or kill it,
which many people are unwilling or unable to do.
The dangerous snakes of Ceylon — that is,
those which will or are liable to cause death are
so few, however, that it is comparatively easy to
recognise them.
Brief identi- I. Naia Tripudians (Common Cobra). This
fheP°ote°o- ^s the most common and the most virulent of the
giyphaand poisonous snakcs of Ceylon, and is easily recog-
iperi ae. disable by anyone who has once examined one.
It is a thickish snake of black, brown, or grey,
with a dilatable neck (or hood) marked with a
white inverted spectacle pattern, often on a pinkish
background. The under surface is crossed with
wide black bars.
The only snake that at all resembles it is the
harmless Zamenis Mucosus (Rat-snake), though no
one who has ever compared the two is likely to
confuse them.
The Zamenis, in addition to differing in the
shape of the body and head, has no black bars on
its under-surface, and its neck is not dilatable to
any great extent.
2. The Vipera Rusellii (Brown Tic-polonga).
This snake, though less virulent than the cobra,
is more deadly, owing to the superior length of its
poison fangs, which enable it to inject its poison
deeper into the system, and makes a cure of the
bitten person more difficult.
This viper is perhaps the easiest snake to
recognise, on account of its short, fat body, stumpy
tail, and the black, chain-like pattern along its
back. It has a series of large black blotches or
spots along each side, and the head is triangular
and scale-covered.
3. Bungams Ceylonicus. This snake is very
deadly, and belongs to a genus which is consider-
ably better represented in India than in Ceylon,
where only two varieties are found. The colour is
black, with white rings, and the belly of the young
is uniformly white.
The Bungarus is liable to be confused with
the harmless Lycodon Aulicus. The former, how-
ever, has a round head, with eyes far forward, and
(if an adult) black bars underneath. The latter has
a pear-shaped head, eyes rather far back, and is
uniform white on the belly.
4. The Bungams Caeruleics is rarely met with,
so a detailed description is unnecessary. It is like
the above, only that the belly is uniformly white,
and the rings are closer together.
5. Trmeresurus Trigonocephalus (Green Tic-
polonga). The Trimeresurus is not by any means
always deadly in its bite ; in fact, human beings
usually recover. It is a bright green snake, with
black spots or blotches along the back. Its head
is pear-shaped, very distinct from the neck, and
covered with scales. The under-surface is yellowish,
and the tail short and very prehensile.
6. Ancistrodon Hypnale. Seldom fatal in its
bite. A short thick-set viper, with an upturned
snout. It is of a brownish ash-colour, with large
black spots ranged alternately on either side of its
back. The head is triangular, very distinct from
the neck, covered with scale-like shields, and with
small white lines along the upper lips. The black
spots are often almost invisible in the young.
7. Echis Carinata. A rare snake, found only
in Jaffna and the dry portions of the Island. Being
seldom seen, only a brief description is necessary.
A short, brown, round-headed viper, with
white festoon markings along the sides ; the apices
of which are joined across the back by narrow
white lines. The scales are very strongly keeled,
and the snake makes a sawing sound by rubbing
two portions of its body together,
8. Callophis TvimaciUatus, Very few specimens
of this snake have been found in Ceylon. I
obtained two specimens near Matale, and other
specimens have been found at Tissamaharama
and Trincomalee. Although poisonous thiS snake
is so small and slender that the teeth cannot pierce
the skin. It is light brown above, with small
spots along and on each side of the back. The
under-surface is scarlet, with a black band at the
beginning and end of the tail, the under-surface of
the tail being bright blue.
Although the recognised poisonous snakes in
Ceylon are eight in number. Major Wall mentions
one other in his book, " The Poisonous Terrestial
Snakes of our British India Dominions " — Ancis-
trodon Millardi (Millard's Viper). As it resembles
the Ancistrodon Hypnale very closely, this variety
has either escaped the notice of the authorities on
Eastern snakes, or has been recognised as a
variation of the Ancistrodon Hypnale, and not as
a separate variety. Trimeresurus Gramineus has
also been reported from Ceylon, but its existence
in the country is doubtful. It may be mentioned
that all the poisonous snakes of Ceylon have
broad ventrals (as well as many harmless varieties),
the ventrals being so broad that if turned on its
back the outer rows of scales of the snake are
invisible, except in one or two places.
Chapter VI.
For those who are desirous of obtaining
snakes, either for bottling, skinning, or keeping
alive, the following methods of capture may be
recommended, and the following necessary point
borne in mind — that when snake hunting it is less
important to go where there are a great many
snakes than to go where the nature of the country
facilitates seeing and catching of them, even if the
snakes there are fewer in number.
Cobra The Cobva. Being seldom met with, a cobra
^^ ^^^' is best obtained by digging one out of an antheap
or hole; The cobra must have been seen to have
entered the hole a short time before, as it is their
custom to change their holes frequently. The
presence of a newly-shed skin is often the clue to
a hole where a snake is living.
It is most advisable to dig out a cobra in wet
w^eather, as the earth is softer, and the snake is
more likely to be in its hole at that time. You
should not attempt to dig out an anthill before
eight o'clock in the morning, or after six o'clock in
the evening, as the snake will probably be out
hunting then. It is seldom that cobras lie out
under a hot sun except after wet weather. (All
the cobras I have kept, and I have kept at different
times between twenty and thirty, have shown a
distinct dislike to strong sunlight, and have always
chosen the shady portions of their cages to lie in,)
Taking a man with you, you approach the
antheap, making a certain amount of noise so as
to frighten the cobra back into its hole should it
happen to be out at that time. If the antheap
happens to be on the side of a hill the snake is
almost certain to retreat downhill after breaking
cover. The earth from the anthill should be thrown
on the lower side so as to form a kind of barricade.
It is seldom that a snake will show itself until
the last hole of the anthill has been dug out (and
thereby thoroughly explodes the theory of the
vicious disposition of serpents). Care should be
taken that all the holes of the antheap are either
watched or blocked up ; sometimes there is a long
underground passage terminating in an exit in
some adjoining jungle, and the cobra escapes by
this exit, which has probably not been detected by
the watchers.
Cobras are very clever in escaping detection,
and as you dig out the different portions of the
antheap the snake will escape unperceived by a
passage into a different portion, and will probably
be eventually discovered coiled up at the extreme
end of the last hole. It is nearly always necessary
to dig out practically the whole antheap before the
snake is seen, and very often the entrance of the
occupied hole gets stopped up by earth from the
rest of the antheap, and one goes away in disgust,
under the impression that the entire antheap has
been dug out, and that it was unoccupied at the
time of digging.
After everyone has gone, and when night is
falling, the cobra burrows its way out of the hole
(probably laughs, if a snake is capable of such an
action) and betakes itself to a safer habitation.
A cobra seldom breaks cover at once. It
usually puts its head out of the hole and then
withdraws it. When it makes a dash for liberty it
will be somewhat delayed by the barrier of earth
(formed from the portion of the anthill that has
been broken up).
Should it attempt to escape uphill (which is
very unlikely) it can be easily captured, as snakes
cannot move fast uphill.
If it is to be kept alive you should capture the
cobra by pinning it to the ground with your stick
placed across its body. Another stick should be
placed across its head (and should it manage to
wriggle forward it can be drawn back by the tail
until the head is under the stick). A forked stick
comes in useful for placing upon the head, but is
not necessary. Then take the snake firmly behind
the head, your thumb and finger being on each side
of the neck, and not above and underneath the
neck, as the snake could turn its head laterally
and run its fangs in. This action should be done
quickly but not hurriedly or nervously. It is a
good plan, and a great safeguard, to fling a bit of
cloth into the snake's mouth before taking it
behind the head. It will at once bite at the stuff,
and should it slip its head from under the stick at a
critical moment will be hindered from biting, its
teeth being caught in the cloth. The fangs may
be cut off with scissors without injury to the snake,
if a fangless specimen is preferred, but the old
fangs will be replaced by new ones in about a
month's time.
A forked stick is not of much use to capture a
snake with, though it comes in useful afterwards,
as it is difficult to pin a snake that is travelling at
all fast, and undulating laterally, with a forked
Smoking out Driving snakes out of holes by means of
Snakes. smokc is an unsatisfactory proceeding. It takes a
lot of smoke to have any effect on a snake, owing
to the latter's large lung capacity. The snake will
often die in its hole, especially when sulphur is
On several occasions I have tried ''smoking
out " snakes, but seldom with any success. On
the few occasions on which I managed to drive
cobras out of their holes by it, the smoke was so
suffocating and so blinding that the capture of the
snakes was extremely difficult and somewhat risky.
On another occasion I attempted to dislodge a
cobra and a variety of Dipsas from the roof of a
native hut by fastening chatties filled with lighted
sulphur under the thatch. The inhabitants of the
house were nearly suffocated, and so were the
people next door, but the snakes did not mind,
although smoke was passing in great clouds
through the roof.
The Python is extremely difficult to obtain Python
when required, and often much patience, enquiry ^^^^ '"^'
and hard work is necessary before a specimen is
obtained. It is of course necessary to know
something about the habits of a snake before
attempting to catch it ; I therefore append a brief
account of its manner of hunting when in its wild
There is only one variety of Python found in
Ceylon — the P. Molurus. It inhabits swampy
districts and places where there is a heavy rainfall, its habits
and is often found lying in jungle ponds with only when wild,
its nose exposed above the water.
As the sun begins to set the snake glides from
the water. There is no noise, only a track of
crushed grass to show where the Python has been.
It reaches the jungle and, its yellow and black
skin blending with the shadow and sunlight,
A deer comes down the game track on its way
to the pool to drink. The small clump of long
grass arouses no suspicion, not being large enough
to conceal a leopard.
Yet within that clump the python lies coiled
like a spring, its flat head slightly raised, and its
powerful neck curved back, ready to make the
lightning stroke.
The deer approaches and reaches the grass.
A flash of yellow, a choking cry, and it lies gasping
its life out in the deadly coils of the Python which
has seized it, rolled it over, and wound round it
like cotton round a reel. A little more gasping
and it is over. Slowl}^ the coils relax, and the flat
pink head shakes its teeth loose of the deer's
throat. Then slowly and deliberately the Python
starts to move its nose over, under and about the
deer, salivermg it, so as to digest it easily. This
occupies ten minutes or so, then the swallowing
commences. Grasping the deer by the head, and
flinging its coils over the body, so as to break the
bones, first one side of the jaw is projected and
then the other. Caught by the hooked teeth, the
deer slowly, very slowly, is drawn down the snake's
throat, being again crushed in the process by the
muscles of the gullet, the Python's mouth being at
this time extended to nearly twice its normal size.
■ • • • • •
Half an hour passes, and the Python, much
distended about the centre of its body, fades again
into sunshine and shadow to sleep off its meal.
Suitable The Python may be obtained in several ways,
cruntl-y"'' t>ut it is, of coursc, necessary to choose the right
type of country to hunt in. The wide stretches of
grass and scrub lying between a ''Tank" (artificial
lake) and the large surrounding jungle, are perhaps
the best, not because there are likely to be most
pythons there, but that if there are any, you are
more likely to see and catch them in such a
country. The place chosen must, of course, be
beyond the disturbance of civilization.
The evening is the best time for python-
hunting, especially after a shower of rain, and
you may employ two methods. One is to walk
quietly along the game-tracks just inside the main
jungle (the edges of the jungle are more accessible
than the interior, and there is less likelihood of
getting lost, with greater facilities for the capture
of any snakes seen and required). A sharp look
out should be kept along the game tracks and
under the bushes and undergrowth, for any python
that may be lying in wait for game that is going
down to the '* Tank " to drink, or is sleeping
stretched out across a path, after a gorge.
A python when disturbed, and retreating
through the jungle, makes a noise resembling the
dragging of heavy sacks along the ground. If
alarmed, and moving rapidly, when approached, it
must be seized by the tail, and an attempt made
to press its head against the ground with your
foot, or, if accompanied by a coolie, a stick can be
placed by him across the snake's head. It should
then be taken and held by the neck with one hand
and by the tail with the other. Of course it will
attempt to bite, and when seized will attempt to
crush, but this sort of thing has to be chanced, and
adds to the excitement, for there is a certain
amount of excitement, especially with a large
python, but it does not do to get excited.
The way to capture a python, without injury
either to oneself or the python, cannot be ex-
plained, but can only be learnt by practice, and
even then there is the likelihood of being bitten.
Except in the case of a very large python,
there is no danger, though the latter is capable of
inflicting a very severe bite, tearing up the muscles
with its curved teeth, and probably disabling the
member bitten for some time to come. If, when
catching a python, you are seized by it, you should
at once release your hold of the snake, when it will
in all probability leave go of you, in order to
If the snake is found asleep in the jungle, it
can often be captured without any trouble, if
approached quietly and seized suddenly. It is
easiest to catch a python after it has had a meal, as
it is less liable to strike or try to escape.
Beating Another method of catching these snakes is to
cooUes^^^^^ set out in the evening, accompanied by some
coolies, and beat the land round the " Tank " in the
following manner : — The coolies should walk in an
oblique line, stretching from the tank to the jungle,
and should move parallel as much as possible with
both. Taking the space to be covered (between
tank and jungle) to be loo yards in width, the first
coolie should move alongside the tank, and a few
yards from it. The second coolie should be about
25 yards away (to the side) of the first coolie, and
about 5 yards behind him, the third coolie should
be 25 yards from the second, and five yards
behind him, the fourth coolie should be 25 yards
away from the third and five yards behind him,
and the fifth — the person who is to catch the
snake — should walk alongside the jungle.
The first two men should make a certain
amount of noise, the other two should be com-
paratively quiet ; the man by the jungle should be
as silent as possible.
Any snake that may be drinking water, or
catching frogs, by the side of the ** Tank," will, on
hearing the first man approach, make a fairly
straight line back to the jungle. The first man
will at that time be about eight yards from the
snake, and the man near the jungle will be twenty
yards behind the line of the first man. The snake
will probably retreat at a rate of from six to seven
miles an hour, or perhaps a little less, and as the
men will be walking at a pace of two miles an
hour, the snake will pass within a few feet of the
man near the jungle, who will attempt to catch or
kill it, as the case may be.
Other snakes may be caught in the above
manner also.
Other methods of catching snakes are : to o^^^'^
stalk them while laying asleep under bushes, to snake
take them by surprise when lying across roads (fast catching,
walking is necessary, and the snake, imagining
that it has not time to escape, lies still, trusting in
its protective colouration to save it), and to
ambush them at waterholes (a tedious process) ; to
search under logs and brushwood, and to burn or
cut down jungle.
The latter is by far the most satisfactory way,
but it is not always possible, and when it is, comes
rather expensive. The snake that gives the most zamenis
sport when catching it is the large Rat-snake, in Mucosus.
spite of the fact that it is harmless.
Although Rat-snakes are found all over
Ceylon, it is preferable to hunt them on an estate
at an altitude of about three or four thousand feet,
as the up-country Rat-snakes grow to a very large
size, and considerably more sport is obtainable by
catching them in a difficult rock-covered country
than in the flat lowlands. I suggested hunting
them on an estate because practically all the land
at that elevation which is not cultivated is jungle,
which latter grows too densely on the mountains to
permit of snake-hunting being possible.
If the country is difficult, the assistance of a
few coolies is necessary. Often when walking
along quietly a snake may be seen lying like
a black streak across the mountain path, with its
head under a bush to protect its lidless eyes from
the glare of the sun. As you approach the serpent
will slowly draw its body across the track and
retreat down the slope. If you can reach it in
time you may take it by the tail, but once the
snake knows that it has been seen the slow gliding
motion will give way to a whip-like lashing as the
serpent retreats down the hill. If the latter is
steep, and the ground bad, the chances of catching
the snake will be practically nil, unless you have
coolies lower down, who will drive it so that it will
move along the hillside instead of downhill. The
reptile may be cornered or taken by the tail as it is
entering a hole in the rocks. If the snake is a
large one (of some seven or eight feet in length)
and gets its body well into the hole some little time
may elapse before you can draw it out, for when
once a snake has got a hold, however slight, for its
body or its coils its power of traction is tremendous.
If a Rat-snake of some eight feet in length gets
its coils round a raised beam it can, with the
posterior portion of its body, draw up, for several
inches, a man weighing nine stone.
This sounds incredible, but if anyone dis-
believes me they should get two strong men and
tell them to try and pull out, to full length, a large
and uninjured Rat-snake.
When you eventually get your snake out the
trouble will begin. A Rat-snake when caught or
cornered becomes extremely savage, and will
therefore give you a lively time. Retaining your
hold of the tail, you must endeavour to put either
your foot or a stick on the snake's head without
injuring it.
The snake, on the other hand, will have no
scruples about inflicting injury, and (being
supported by its tail) will keep drawing its body
up and striking repeatedly at your face. The
snake must be made to miss its aim by jerking the
tail, and the blows parried with a stick.
The head having been eventually pinned to
the ground, and the neck seized, the serpent will
coil round your wrist, and bringing its full power
into play, in an ingenious manner, attempt to
force your fingers off its neck.
The skin of the Rat-snake is not worth
keeping unless it is a very large one, and the
snake is only worth hunting for the amusement
Most of the "hill" Rat-snakes have white
ventrals, while most of those found in the low
country have yellow ones.
Water-snakes can be caught in the water- catching
courses adjoining paddyfields, but there is much water-snakes
likelihood of being bitten, as these snakes are very
quick in striking. When landed they will often
proceed along the ground by a series of leaps.
Snakes may be either bottled in spirits, stuffed Bottling
or skinned. Bottling is somew^hat unsatisfactory, specimens
as the snake is liable to lose its colour, change its
shape sometimes, lose its scales, and even decom-
pose after the spirit has become weak, in addition
to which only small snakes can be preserved,
owing to the large amount of spirit required in
proportion to the size of the snake. Snakes should
not be bottled straight off, but be allowed to soak
m spirit before being finally placed in a bottle filled
with fresh spirit. Dr. Nicholson, in his book,
" Indian Snakes," recommends the following mix-
ture as a preservative : — Rum or arrack (20 to 30
under proof), and added to which either 4 per cent,
of carbolic acid or 2 per cent, of carbolic acid and
I per cent of arsenic. An objection to bottled
specimens is that they occupy a great deal of room
and are difficult to pack.
Stuffing a snake is somewhat difficult, and can stuffing,
only be done satisfactorily to certain varieties ;
even then the head is liable to be mounted in
quite a different shape to what it was in when the
snake was alive. Stuffed specimens, like bottled
ones, take up a great deal of room, and should be
kept in glass cases in order to remain in good
condition. This method of preservation is some-
what expensive, especially if a good taxidermist is
In my opinion the best thing to do with
a snake is simply to take its skin. Of course it is
impossible to get so good an idea of the shape of
the snake's body as it is with a bottled specimen,
but as the skin retains its colour (in most cases),
and the head can be retained in its original shape
by the non-extraction of the bones of the skull, one
can judge very closely what the appearance of the
specimen was when alive.
Skinning. The bcst method of skinning a snake is as
follows : — Take a point above the end of the tail
(just where it is about a quarter of an inch wide
in the case of a large snake, and at a corresponding
proportional point if a small snake) and cut from
there, along the centre of the subcaudals to the
ventrals. Cut along the centre of the ventrals, tfo
ihe juncture of the lower jawbones. Now take the
point where the incision was started, and cut
through the flesh and muscle, between the
vertebrae, so that the end of the tail is connected
with the remainder of the snake by only the skin
itself. Taking the end of the tail in one hand and
the severed mass of flesh and vertebrae in the
other, proceed to pull the skin ofl" the latter until
the ventrals are reached, where there will be re-
sistance. Here you must cut through muscles,
and the anal attachments, until the skin is free
again, when it will pull off easily until the back of
the head is reached. Here separate the head from
the skinless body of the snake, by dislocating the
first or second vertebra, and cutting through all
attachments but the skin. Some of the soft portion
of the inside of the head should be scraped away,
but the rest will dry up, as will the eyes.
The advantage of this method of skinning is,
that you have the head in its original shape, and
the whole tail can be obtained. The narrow uncut
portion of the tail will dry up if there is not too
much fat on it, in which case drying may be
facilitated by opening the subcaudals down to the
The Rat-snake is somewhat difftcult to skin,
owing to the close welding of the epidermis to the
The water-snakes, Helicops Schistosus and
Tropidonotus Quincunciatus, are difficult to skin
for the same reason, and the skin has to be sepa-
rated from each vertebra with scissors. The least
pulling on the skin of the above two snakes will
cause it to break. When dry the skin is stronger.
The skull of a snake cannot be taken com-
plete, like that of an animal, as it is formed of
many small bones, that fall apart after the soft
tissues have been removed.
" Stretching" is best done as follows : —
After the skin has been taken, stretch a string stretching.
down the centre of a board, and fasten it to a nail
at each end. Next proceed to nail the nose and
tail of your snake to the plank, stretching the skin
as much as possible, and being careful to see that
both nose and tail are beneath the string. Stretch
the skin laterally, and fix it with tacks, or old
gramaphone needles (preferably the latter), placed
at intervals along each side. The intervals between
the tacks should be approximately ^^nd of the entire
length of the skin. The head should be fixed with
tacks and pins in such a manner as to make it dry
in its original shape ; and, in the case of poisonous
snakes, the fangs should be kept in an upright
position, by means of tacks placed on each side of
the head (near the fangs), and a pin placed across
them and resting against the fangs. Preserving
mixtures, such as corrosive sublimate, may be put
on the skin, but are not necessary.
Drying. Drying may be done in the sun, though hot
ashes are preferable, especially for drying up the
head cavities.
When dry the skin should be trimmed with
scissors (the nearer the tacks have been placed
together the less skin will have to be removed in
trimming), and pressed between planks, to counter-
act a tendency to curl. If desirable the skins may
be mounted on red flannel.
The thin skins of certain Tree-snakes often
lose their colour and become transparent when
removed from the body. These should be gummed
on to paper or cardboard of the same colour as the
skins originally were.
A skin prepared as already described should
make a fine trophy and curiosity, showing, as it
will, all points necessary for the identification of a
specimen : headshields and shape of head, dentition,
ventrals, sub-caudals, and shape of tail.
Many taxidermists cut off the ventrals when
trimming a skin, but I consider that this spoils the
specimen, as far as scientific interest is concerned.
A well-taken and well-stretched skin (plenty of pins
being used) requires very little trimming, but
although good skinning is easy enough, with a little
practice, it requires some little experience before
one can stretch a skin in such a manner as to do
full justice to its elastic possibilities, and at the
same time get it even and uniform, with a minimum
of sagging between the tacks.
Chapter VII.
One of the finest places in Ceylon for snake
catchino:, both on account of its accessibility and f^^ Anurad-
1 ^ • 1 r r f T hapura
the geographical features of the surrounding country,
country, is Anuradhapura. This is the only place
situated in the midst of the large Northern forests
where there is an hotel, and one does not have to
depend upon Resthouses, which latter are un-
suitable if a long stay of three weeks or a month
is intended.
It is true that the rapid progress of civilisation
has driven away much of the game from the nearer
forests, but it has not, to any appreciable extent,
diminished the vast number of snakes to be found
in that district, and even in Anuradhapura itself.
In fact, snakes are rather partial to human habit-
ations. Houses mean food, and food means rats
and mice, which are dainties much sought after by
snakes ; in addition to this, there are the numerous
" Tanks," jungle ponds, paddy fields, and artificial
waterways, and last, but not least, the crumbling
ruins, creeper-covered, and a mass of crannies and
holes. All these features combined make the
Anuradhapura district one of the " snakeyest " in
the Island.
During the three weeks that I spent there,
snake catching, in December 'eg, I obtained the
following specimens, in addition to many which I
saw and did not catch, and many which I caught
but did not kill and skin : —
5 Ancistrodon Hypnale,
7 Zamenis Mucosus,
I Dendrophis Pictus,
I Hydrophobus Nympha,
4 Lycodon Aulicus,
I Tropidonotus Stolatus,
I Dryophis Mycterizans,
I Oligodon Sublineatus,
I Tropidonotus Quincunciatus.
Although I stopped three months at Anuradha-
pura, all these snakes (22) were caught within two
weeks, an unusual run of luck.
The Ancistrodon Hypnale seemed to be very
numerous round Anuradhapura, and also at Min-
neriya, but during two years of snake hunting in
the Central Province I only succeeded in obtaining
two specimens. All the specimens I obtained of
this snake were caught in a patch of jungle that
was being cleared, and they seemed to live chiefly
among tree stumps and in rotten wood, which fact
is also borne out by their colouration. A sixth
iVncistrodon was killed by coolies, but was chopped
to pieces. All the Lycodons I obtained (four in
number) were found in the mud wall of a hut
which I broke down. I also found a fifth one, but
let it go on account of its small size. The owner
of the house was so alarmed at the number of
snakes caught, that he insisted on also breaking
down the wall of another house that he was living
in, in order that I could kill any snakes that might
be found there. The man's fear is accounted for
by the fact that the Sinhalese mistake the Lycodon
for the deadly Bungarus Ceylonicus ; they call it
Mapila (or sometimes Karrawila), and believe that
it kills men by sucking their blood away.
Large Two of the Rat-snakcs (Zamenis Mucosus)
Rat-snakes. ^yj^j^N]-^ J obtained were of extremely large size.
One was gft. 6fin., and the other gft. 3J in. Out
of the many Rat-snakes I had killed previously at
different times, only one had exceeded gft. (a
specimen gft. 4in., killed in the Knuckles district).
One or two others measured about Sft. 3in. or
8ft. 6in., about seven or eight were over yjft. in
length, and the average length of the remainder
(about forty or fifty) was about 6jft.
The Hydrophobus Nympha was the first
specimen I had obtained of that variety, and was
killed in the bath !
Dryophis Mycterizans and Tropidonotus Quin-
cunciatus were very common, but having many
specimens of these, I did not trouble to kill any.
At Anuradhapura a very fine Dipsas Forstenii
(the red variety) was shot, and measured 6ft. 8|in.
I now have the skin in my collection, the gentle-
man who shot it having kindly given it to me.
Pythons are numerous in the Anuradhapura
district, but it is necessary to go at least two miles
outside the town before likely country is met with.
The far end of the Tissawewa is a good place, as
are the jungles round the Balankulam, but the
latter, though pythons are numerous in them, are
rather too thick to facilitate snake hunting.
I found Kurunegala to be, during the dry The snakes
season, an almost better place for snake hunting Kumnegaia
than Anuradhapura, as, in the evening, owing to District.
the draught, the snakes were obliged to leave the
jungles and enter the paddy fields, in search of any
water that had not dried up since the previous
In one paddy field alone, in the course of a
month, I caught over forty specimens of Tropi-
donotus Stolatus, though needless to say I did not
keep them all. There were also many colonies of
T. Plumbicolor, though I have found this snake to
be somewhat uncommon in other parts of Ceylon.
Three specimens of Z. Mucosus which I
obtained measured gft. 6in., gft. Sfin., and loft.,
while a snake charmer brought me a Dipsas
Barnesii, about 4Jft. long.
The varieties found during the months of
March and April were as follows : —
Dendrophis Pictus, Tropidonotus Submineatus,
Lycodon Aulicus, „ Plumbicolor,
Vipera Russellii, ,, Stolatus,
Naia Tripudians, ,, Asperrimus,
Oligodon Subgrisens, Zamenis Mucosus,
,, Ellioti, Ancistrodon Hypnale,
Dryophis Mycterizans.
Many of the female specimens of Z. Mucosus,
N. Tripudians, L. Aulicus, A. Hypnale, T.
Stolatus, and T. Plumbicolor, had eggs in them,
and their breeding season seems to have been
during May and the beginning of June.
I append a list, giving the average dimensions
to which the common snakes of Ceylon grow.
Average Adult Size.
Average Naia Tripudians (Cobra)
of Ceylon
Vipera Russellii (Brown
Trimeresurus Trigonoce-
phalus (Green polcnga)
Lycodon Aulicus
Zamenis Mucosus (Rat-
snake) ....
•••• cat* •••<
Coluber Helena ....
Bungarus Ceylonicus
Ancistrodon Hypnale
5ft. 2ins. (Cobras have
been known to grow to
6ft. 6ins., but anything
over 5ft. 2ins. may be
considered large.)
4ft. 6ins.
2ft. 4ins.
6Jft. is the average
length of an adult, but
it varies considerably,
and many grow larger.
Between 4ft. and 5ft.
2ft. Sins,
ift. 3ins.
Dryophis Mycterizans
Dryophis Pulverulentus
Tropidonatus Quincun-
^^X ^X L. L^ O •••• •••• •••• ••••
Tropidonotus Stolatus ....
Dendrophis Pictus
Dipsas Ceylonensis
Dipsas Forstenii
Helicops Schistosus
Python Molurus
Average Adult Size.
About 4ft. Sins, (up
country variety).
SJft. to 6ft. (low coun-
try variety).
3ft. 6ins.
3ft. iiins.
5ft. (many grow much
2ft. 6ins.
The average adult size
seldom exceeds 12 ft.,
though occasional spe-
cimens grow much
larger. The appearance
of snakes is very de-
ceptive, and though
people report that they
have seen a Python
20 ft. long, it may, in
reality, be only about
12 ft. in length.
Polyodontophis Subpunc-
LcLLUo •.•• •.<• •••. .... i~ J illoa
Chrysopelea Ornata .... 3 ft. 10 ins.
Oligodon Sublineatus .... 10 ins.
After reaching its full length a snake thickens
as it grows older.
Trimeresurus Trigonocephalus is a somewhat
difficult snake to obtain except in certain localities,
as it is essentially nocturnal in its habits. I
obtained a good many specimens at Matale, the
coolies catching about ten or twelve of them
within three months, but have found it considerably
harder to obtain any in other parts of the Island.
One specimen, which I kept for nearly two years,
became very tame, and grew to a length of three
feet. It died eventually from old age. A skin of
a Trimeresurus I killed near Matale measured
4 ft. 4 ins. when stretched. A large number of
varieties are to be obtained in the Matale district,
and during a stay of a year there I killed the
following varieties: — PolyodontophisSubpunctatus,
Aspidura Trachyprocta, Oligodon Subli^eatus,
Lycodon Aulicus, Zamenis Mucosus, Coluber
Helena, Dendrophis Pictus, Tropidonotus Stolatus,
Tropidonotus Quincunciatus (known in Ceylon as
T. Asperrimus), Helicops Schistosus, Dipsas Cey-
lonensis, Dipsas Forstenii, Dryophis Mycterizans,
DryophisPulverulentus, Naia Tripudians, Callophis
Trimaculatus, Vipera Russellii, Ancistrodon Hyp-
nale, Trimeresurus Trigonocephalus. I found
a family of nine "Coluber Helenas" in one
Although I made several attempts to obtain
specimens of Bungarus Ceylonicus in that district
I was unable to obtain any.
I append a list of the Tamil and Sinhalese
names of some common snakes, which may be of
some use to those desirous of obtaining specimens
in Ceylon.
I had much difficulty in making the list at all
accurate, as the native nomenclature of snakes is
both incomplete and inaccurate, there being no
scientific study of reptiles among either the Tamils
or the Sinhalese. What one man will call a
''Mapila" another will call a " Karawila," and
vice versa ; while separate species that resemble
each other in colour are given the same name. A
native dislikes confessing to ignorance, and if
shown any snake will give it a name, even if it is
the wrong one, while the Tamils often borrow the
Sinhalese names, and for numerous unnamed
varieties use the word ''Vyrian" (viper), which
corresponds to the Sinhalese '' polonga." All this
combines to make the discovery of the correct
names of snakes a difficult business. The other
species of the genera mentioned below are given
the same names.
Python Molurus
Lycodon Aulicus
Zaraenis Mucosus . .
Coluber Helena
Dendrophis Pictus . .
Tropidonotus Stolatus
,, Piscator
Ancistrodon Hypnale
Dipsas Ceylonensis . .
Chrysopelea Ornata. .
Dryophis Mycterizans
Bungarus Ceylonicus
Naia Tripudians
Vipera Russelli
Trimeresurus Trigono-
Earth-snakes and
smaller Colubrinae
Tamil Name.
Malam Pambu
Malei Virian
Kundan Karawila
Sarei Pambu
Kumbera Muke (some-
Kopi Pambu (Coffee
Tanni Pambu (Water-
Nettu Verusa
Kopi Virian.
Patchi Pambu (Green
Kumbera Muke (Horned
Kundan Karawila
Nulla Pambu
snake) . .
Kanadi Virian
tacle Viper)
Virian Pambu
Patchi Virian
Kopi Virian
Sinhalese Name,
JTel Karawila
Muda Karawila
Diya Polonga
I Mahakamaduwa
( Kunukatuwa
(Dunu Karawila
( Mapila
Pol-Mai Karawila
Dunnu Karawila
Tic Polonga (Spotted
Munelei Pambu (Sand-
Palla Polonga
Depat Naya (Two-
headed snakes)
Chapter VIII.
Among Serpents, Protective and Aggressive
colouration is especially noticeable. The following
snakes afford the best examples of advantageous
colouration : —
Dryophis Mycterizans.
Dryophis Pulverulentus.
The Lycodons.
Python Molurus.
Vipera Rusellii.
Trimeresurus Trigonocephalus.
In many cases colouration may be both
aggressive and protective. For example, the green
skin of the Dryophis Mycterizans enables it to
harmonize with the green leaves of the trees, and
become almost invisible both to the lizards and
young birds it preys on, and also to snake-eating
birds and other enemies.
The Dryophis Pulverulentus, on the other
hand, is a nocturnal snake, and resembles the D,
Mycterizans in everything but its colour, which is
dark brown. Being nocturnal in habit, a green
skin would naturally be useless to this snake when
hunting, and as it lives in the brown thatched
roofs of houses it would be equally useless to it
when asleep in the daytime.
Protective Another striking example of protective imi-
Cok)uration tation is the way in which the little Lycodon
Auiicus. Aulicus imitates the deadly Bungarus Ceylonicus
(Krait). Except for the different shapes of their
heads, the two at first-sight are practically indis-
tinguishable. Examination shows, however, that
the B. Ceylonicus has enlarged hexagonal vertebral
scales, while the scales along the back of vertebrae
of the Lycodons are of normal size, and although
both snakes are black, with white bands, the band-
ing is apparent on the ventrals of the Bungarus,
and absent on the belly of the Lycodon. To make
the deception more complete, the Lycodon has
enlarged front teeth, in imitation of the fangs of
the Bungarus Ceylonicus, though the former is
quite harmless. (The Hydrophobus Nympha also
imitates the latter snake.)
These enlarged solid teeth go to prove that the
colouration is in this case protective ; a protection
against mankind, who, taking the snake to be a
poisonous Krait, give it a wide berth. It is also, no
doubt, safe from snake-eating birds, who leave the
Bungarus alone, either because it is unpalatable,
or in fear of its bite.
The Python Molurus, on the other hand, is The
aggressively coloured. If it was of uniform colour Coiouraiion
its immense body would be at once noticeable, but Moiurus.
its skin being yellow and black, it harmonises with
the " shadow and sun " effect, so noticeable in the
jungle. This harmonising yellow and black colour-
ation is noticeable also in the skins of the tiger and
leopard. It is somewhat peculiar that the python
should be thus coloured, as it is a nocturnal snake,
which ambushes its prey at dusk, when, even if it
was of a bright uniform colour, it would be
At the same time the python would hardly
require its coloured skin as a protection whilst
lying asleep in the jungle, as its sole enemy is man,
and the danger it is exposed to is very slight
indeed. When young it is liable to attack by the
mongoose, but when it is so small as to be able to
be killed by the latter, a variegated pattern on its
skin is unnecessary, as its body would not be large
enough to attract attention, if of a uniform colour.
of Coloura-
This colouration seems to point to the fact that
the python does not confine its hunting to dusk,
but often ambushes its prey before the sun has set,
seizing and catching in its coils any deer or other
small game that may come down to the water to
drink in the evening.
The Viper Russellii is darkly coloured as a
protection. Being nocturnal, its colouration would
be useless while hunting.
When lying asleep amongst the dead leaves,
its brown skin, covered with blackish leaf-shaped
markings, renders it almost invisible.
The Trimeresurus Trigonocephalus, a noc-
turnal snake, found on bushes and trees, is
coloured green with black blotches, which break
up what would otherwise be too large a stretch of
uniform colouration.
It can, in most cases, be taken as a rule that
nocturnal snakes are protectively coloured, and
other snakes both protectively and aggressively
coloured. Snakes that are unpalatable to birds and
animals that prey on reptiles give warning, and
save their own lives, by the colour of their skin.
Other serpents, that are not in any way
benefited by the pattern of their skin, often have
some other physical advantages to make up for it.
Take for example the Rat-snake (Zamenis
Mucosus), the Cobra (Naia Tripudians), the
Dendrophmae, and the Tropidonoti. The Rat-
snake and the Dendrophinae have speed, the Cobra
its threatening hood, and the Tropidonoti their
ability to flatten their bodies in such a way as to
resemble vipers, thereby protecting themselves
from attack.
Tropidonotus Stolatus will sit up and expand
its neck in much the same manner as the Cobra,
and many of the tree-snakes, such as the Dipsa-
dinae and the Trimeresuri, vibrate their tales-
rapidly when disturbed.
Chapter IX.
Those who are desirous of keeping a serpent-
arium of live snakes should study as much as
possible the conditions under which the various
snakes live when in their wild state.
The boxes they are kept in should be roomy, The Cages,
and with sand or pebble-covered floors, in which
small holes have been bored, to permit of drainage.
The sides should be of glass, though in the case of
large snakes wire netting may be used. The roof
should be made of perforated zinc when the boxes
have glass sides. The bottom of the cage-door
ought to be on a level with the floor of the cage,
as it will considerably facilitate the cleaning of the
latter. A pan containing water is necessary, and
should be fastened rather high up, as if it is on the
floor of the cage the snake is likely to spill it, turn
his sand into mud, and by crawling up the inside
of the glass make the latter dim and dirty, the
cleaning of which, without getting bitten, is a
difficult process. If the vessel containing the water
is arranged so that it can be raised or lowered by
strings passing through the roof of the cage, it will
make the renewal of water considerably easier.
Rocks should be placed in all the boxes, to
assist in the removal of the skin, when skin-
shedding time approaches (often as frequently as
once a month), and when tree-snakes are kept,
shrubs are necessary.
It should be remembered that the three things
that snakes prmcipally require are
(i) Air, (2) Warmth, (3) Water,
and if the cases can be kept out of doors, but shel-
tered from the rain, so much the better.
Although fond of warmth, snakes do not care
for the full glare from a hot sun, and a portion of
their cages must be shaded, so that they can
protect their eyes, which are lidless.
Water is necessary, for, though a snake eats
seldom, it drinks deeply, and takes to the water
often in the hot weather.
Skin-shedding occurs about once a month, or
every six weeks (according to the amount of rubbing
that the epidermis receives). The process is
Skin About two wccks before shedding its skin the
Shedding, ^y^^ q£ ^^le suakc become dull and opaque, the
serpent being almost blind. It remains quiet in
the corner of its cage, and refuses food. The skin
now loosens on the tail, and afterwards about the
jaws and head, finally coming off inside out and
rolled up in a ring, complete even to the thin
transparent substance that covers the eye. The
loosening of the epidermis is due to the formation
of minute hair on the skin underneath.
After skin-shedding it is advisable to bathe
the snake, or spray it with water, as the new skin is
slightly sticky. The shed skin should be removed
from the case, as, should it get damp, insects and
tics will appear.
The tics bite through the epidermis, and
fastening on the skin below, make it very difficult
for the snake to cast its skin when the time comes
for it to do so. A snake thus afflicted should be
on Snakes, rubbcd with cocoauut oil and placed in the sun.
If the snakes are kept indoors the trouble from
tics will be obviated. At the same time it is
advisable to place the cages for a short time in the
sun, after a long spell of wet weather, in order that
the reptiles may renew their supply of electricity
(vitality) from the rays of the sun.
It is noticeable, also, that snakes kept in cool
climates, with their room warmed artificially, never
show the same amount of vitality and energy as
those kept in the natural warmth of an Eastern
When snakes are first caught they will pro- when snakes
bably refuse to eat for a long time, owing to fear, p^^^® *^^'^
This is accounted for by the fact that after a large
meal, or when swallowing anything, a snake is
necessarily handicapped if subject to attack.
When feeding, a snake usually swallows its How a Snake
prey head-first, so that the fur or feathers may not ^^^^*
catch in its throat.
Having seized it, it proceeds to push it down
its throat with its teeth, by moving forward first
on one side of the jaw and then the other. The
snake's teeth curved backwards towards the
throat, prevent the prey from escaping. The
muscles of the throat also grip the animal and
help m the crushing process.
While the food is in the snake's mouth the Protrution of
latter protrudes the end of its windpipe to a when^^^^
distance of about twice or three times the pipe's swallowing.
own width, beyond the lower lip, where, opening
and closing, it takes in air, and saves the snake
from suffocation.
During the process of swallowing the snake
curves its body about to assist the muscles in their
work of forcing down the food.
This process completed, the snake remains
still and yawns prodigiously at intervals, a process
which probably helps to exude the salivary fluids,
which assist the digestion. After moving about
for a short time (probably an additional aid to the
digestive fluids) the snake goes to sleep.
If frightened, after having a meal, a timid
snake will sometimes eject its food.
Newly- A newly-caught snake will often injure its nose
Snakes. ^y Striking at you, and banging the latter against
the side of its cage. This is not a serious matter,
but should the wound become bad, Condy's fluid
may be added to the drinking water. Condy's
fluid is preferable to carbolic acid, as the latter is
poisonous if taken internally in any quantity.
Small snakes should not be placed in the
same cage with large ones, as the latter sometimes
show a tendency to cannibalism. Snakes of the
same kind may be kept together, if they are about
the same size, and pythons may always be kept
together, as they only eat mammals and birds, but
care should be taken at feeding time to see that
they do not both seize the same rat, and accidently
swallow each other, as is described further on in
this chapter.
Nervous Ncrvous snakes should be kept separate, as
Snakes. when a snake becomes frightened in any way
it will often, in panic, strike at the nearest moving
object. Two nervous snakes may thus attack
each other, through no feeling of enmity, but
through fear occasioned by the sight of a human
being, and a desire to strike wildly and blindly at
whatever is nearest them.
It is advisable to keep wild and tame snakes-
together as long as a few of them are quiet, any
others that have been newly caught will soon
become tame.
The best way of lifting untamed snakes is by
holding the tail and supporting the body across a
Keeping Although few people are aware of the fact,
y^ °^^' young pythons make very good pets. Those
unacquainted with snakes are apt to attribute to a
young python of some six or seven feet long all the
terrifying characteristics of a '' Giant Anaconda,"
some thirty-five or thirty-six feet in length. Some
people are even under the impression that a python
will deliberately pursue, catch and make a meal of
you. Pythons are easy to tame if caught young,
and when they are properly tamed, and have lost
their fear of you, will put up with almost any
treatment and handling without hissing or striking.
These snakes are very hardy, and require little
attention. I have been keepmg pythons for over
two years, and for the last year have had as many
as thirteen, and out of all these only one has died
— a very old snake, that had been very much cut
about by coolies, who saw it in the jungle which
they were cutting down.
The amount of food consumed by these Feeding
snakes varies a great deal with individuals ; some ^
eat once a month, some once in two months,
according to the size of the snake, the size of the
previous meal, the temperature, and the period.
Their food may be composed of chickens or
small mammals, especially rats, which seem to be
the favourite food of snakes of all kinds. Except
for feeding and giving them water, the pythons
require little or no attention. They are fond of
water, and will often lie in it, though their habits
are not so aquatic as those of the " Boas."
Both " Boas" and Pythons kill their prey by
constriction. Seizing the animal by the neck, the
snake turns it over and, turning a sort of somer-
sault, rolls its coils round it. After the animal is
dead, the python salivers over it with its tongue in
order to digest it easily, and bringing its coils over,
crushes it again as it swallows.
A python's mouth is more expansive than that
of any other snake, and it is possible for a young
python four feet in length, and, with a normal
circumference of five inches, to swallow a chicken
with a circumference of ten inches.
The sense of The eyesight of the python is extremely bad
s^eH ^" i^ the daytime, and, Hke other nocturnal snakes, it
possessed by finds its prey (if fed during the day) by its sense of
smell, and by touching with its tongue the ground
over which its food has passed. So greatly is a
snake dependent upon its sense of touch, that if
anyone sees a snake stalking its prey in the jungle
they will notice that the serpent will not go straight
for the frog or rat, but will follow the track along
which the latter has passed, touching the ground
every now and then with its flickering tongue,
which transfers to the nostrils the smell of the rat.
Therefore, when feeding even a tame python, great
care has to be exercised lest the snake should seize
your hand in mistake for a rat, especially if your
hand has just been in contact with the latter.
When a snake has once seized anything in its
mouth the action of swallowing is almost purely
mechanical, and the serpent is scarcely aware of
what it is swallowing, its palate being almost
devoid of any sense of taste or feeling.
A curious incident occurred when I was feeding
one of my pythons, which bears out this theory.
I had flung a dead rat into the cage, and was
moving it about with a bamboo stick, which I
afterwards placed near the snake's head. The
latter saw something dimly moving and smelt the
rat, so it straightway seized and coiled round the
bamboo, which it eventually proceeded to swallow.
After it had got about two feet of the stick down
its throat it discovered its mistake and disgorged it.
When looking over a copy of Country Side I
came across the photograph of a rug that had been
accidentally swallowed by a python and disgorged.
The rug was rolled up, with the fur inside, and
Accidental comprcssed into the shape of a sausage.
Cannibalism Several years ago, in the Zoological Gardens
aVJthon.^^ °^ in London, a python accidentally swallowed another
python nearly as large as itself. I say '' acciden-
tally," as pythons are not given to cannibalism.
The keeper placed two pigeons in the snakes' cage,
and both pythons seized the same pigeon and
started swallowing. The smaller of the two
pythons refused to let go his hold on the bird, so
his head was swallowed by the other snake. Still
feeling something in his mouth, the larger reptile
continued to swallow, and the keeper entering the
Reptile House shortly afterwards found only one
python, and that one very much distended. The
meal was digested within a month.
In handling the python care must be taken to Handling the
see that after seizing the reptile behind the head it ^y^^°"-
does not get its coils round its own neck and
underneath your hand, as by doing so it can exert
sufficient leverage, by an upward pressure, to draw
its head down into the centre of its coils. If it
should do this, and you do not leave go, you may
(if the snake is a large one) get your hand crushed
or otherwise injured, as by using its coils as a
fulcrum, and your arm as a lever, it can exert a
tremendous pull.
This trick of leverage is well known to the
snake, and it will often attempt it when held by
the neck.
Should a python wind round you, never
attempt to pull its coils apart, it is almost impos-
sible (even with a young one). The snake should
be unwound by the tail, which is quite an easy
matter as far as strength is concerned. A python's
strength lies in an ingenious way of applying its
coils, and although strong enough to crush a goat,
can be managed, to a certain extent, by quite a
small child if he knows the secret of the snake's
strength and how to counteract it.
The python gets its leverage for applying Catching the
power from its tail. To capture a python it is ^y^^°"-
merely necessary to take it by the tail. The snake
moves slowly, and should it attempt to turn on
you, you should walk round so that the body is
once more in a straight line, and pull it by the tail
(of course it requires a large open space if this
method of capture is attempted). By keeping up
a slight pull, the snake is unable to turn, as in
order to turn round, the reptile has to move its
ventrals forward, which act almost like paddles
against the ground, and a backward pull naturally
counteracts this.
A python should not be allowed to coil round
anything from which it cannot be easily unwound.
A ten foot specimen of mine once escaped and
wound round a beam near the roof. Four men
pulled on its tail for twenty minutes without any
effect, but I eventually caught it by a lucky grab
behind the neck, and by persistent poking the men
made it unwind.
Pythons are among the few snakes that ever
breed successfully in captivity, and this is due to
the fact that they incubate their eggs by coiling
round them. Probably this habit is more with an
object of protection than for purposes of incubation,
as the eggs of the python are large enough to
catch the eye of the mongoose and other egg-eating
mammals and birds.
The most suitable snakes for taming are those
of sluggish disposition, and are not of nervous
Nocturnal snakes are easier to tame than
those that come out in the daytime.
The best snakes for taming purposes are the
following : —
(i) Tropidonotus Stolatus, (2) Trimeresurus
sTnakerfor Trigonocephalus, (3) Python Molurus, (4) Dipsas
Taming. Ceyloncnsis, and D. Forstenii, (5) Coluber Helena,
(6) Dryophis Pulverulentus, (7) Dendrophis Pictus.
The most
The first three are the easiest to tame, but the
pythons must be young ones.
No. 7 is a gentle snake, but, not being
nocturnal, is very nervous.
The Green Whipsnake (D. Mycterizans)
seldom does well in captivity. It requires a large
cage with bushes and shrubs inside. Some speci-
mens I saw at the Peradeniya Gardens, near
Kandy, had bred in captivity, and were living on
apparently very amicable terms with a Lycodon
Aulicus, a Coluber Helena, a Tropidonotus Sub-
mineatus, and a Dipsas Forstenii.
It is a common belief that the Dryophis The Dryophis
Mycterizans strikes at the eye, but this is a fallacy, ^y^^^"^^"^-
This snake is supplied with a fleshy appendage on
the end of the snout, as owing to its long and
slender body, it often misjudges its stroke when
striking at anything and overbalances, in which
case the appendage protects its pointed nose from
When frightened, this snake opens its mouth
and expands its lower jaw into the shape of a
square, the muscle joining the ends of the lower
jaws being capable of great expansion. I have not
noticed this habit in the up-country (hill) variety of
Dryophis Mycterizans or in the Dryophis Pulveru-
The Rat-snake (Zamenis Mucosus, or Ptyas
Mucosus) is a very savage snake and almost
untameable. It feeds well, however, in captivity.
Vipers are among the easiest snakes to tame, Naming
as they are of sluggish disposition, semi-nocturnal,
and not likely to strike in the daytime when once
they have got used to you.
They may be tamed either with their fangs in
or with their fangs removed. The removal is best
done by means of scissors, and the fangs should be
cut off high up, so that no dangerous pieces are
left ; they cannot, however, be extracted, as they
are firmly attached to the maxillary bone.
Wrap your hand in a cloth and allow the
viper to strike at and bite you as often as it wishes,
but do not irritate it. When it has become tired
of striking at you, you can handle it, and the
taming is then merely a matter of time. In about
live or six weeks the fangs will have grown again,
but by that time the taming will be complete, so
that their removal will be unnecessary.
With the Opisthoglypha the removal of the
fangs is unnecessary, as their poison is so slight,
and the grooved fangs, being at the back of the
mouth, seldom enter you when they bite.
Nearly all the Ceylon snakes do well in
captivity, with the exceptions already mentioned
and the Uropeltidae and some varieties of the
smaller Colubrinae, Aspidura, Oligodon, Polyo-
dontophis, and Lycodon.
Feeding Although it is a common belief that snakes
deadlnrmais. ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ things that they kill themselves, I find
' that they will eat dead food provided that not the
least decomposition has set in and the animal has
not been at all cut about. When first captured
snakes show a marked dislike for ready-killed food,
but will swallow it when forced to do so by hunger,
and when they have once done so will always be
ready to take it in the future. The intervals
during which a snake can go without food is
extraordinary. I have known a python live without
food for as much as six months, while a cobra will
sometimes refuse food for a month. During these
intervals of fasting the snake lives on a reserve
supplv of fat which surrounds the stomach.
Before skin-shedding a snake will refuse food
so as to be able to get its skin off easily, but
sometimes instinct gives way to greediness, and I
have often had snakes die through eating a large
meal before skin-shedding, and being unable to cast
the epidermis they died from suffocation.
When there is likelihood of a snake being E>ifficuity in
unable to cast its skin all danger of death may be '" casting,
eliminated by just scratching the epidermis with
the point of a knife along the ventrals. This
causes no pain, as the epidermis when ready for
casting is merely a thin substance, something like
tissue paper, and contains no nerves. By slitting
this open it not only eases the snake, but enables
the latter to rub it off easier.
When at Madras I saw a large collection of ^''^^^^^^^J" *^^
live snakes in the Museum. There were, as far as Museum.
I can remember, two NaiaTripudians, one Cerberus
Rynchops, one Tropidonotus Piscator, one
Lycodon Aulicus, one Lycodon Carinatus, one
Python Molurus, one Zamenis Mucosus, one
Helicops Schistosus, two Vipera Russellii, one
Echis Carinata, one Gongylophis Conicus (a
somewhat large specimen), several Dryophis
Mycterizans, one Bungarus Ceylonicus, one
Tropidonotus Stolatus, one Ancistrodon Hypnale,
and several other varieties.
The two cobras looked out of condition, and
were suffering badly from tics. The other snakes
seemed to be doing well, but I do not remember
seeing any of striking dimensions. The python
was a young one of about eight feet in length.
At the Madras Zoological Gardens I saw a
most magnificent specimen of python, and was told
by the keeper that it was 27 feet in length, and
judging from its thickness his estimate must have
been very near right.* These large pythons are
not nearly so common as is commonly imagined, p^^^ons
and it is seldom that one finds a python in cap-
* There is at the Zoological Gardens at Regent's Park a very
fine Python Reticulatus of 25 feet.
tivity measuring over twenty feet, though it may
be thought to be about thirty feet by those who
have not measured it.
Fine When at Peradeniya Gardens (close to Kandy)
at Peradeniya I saw among the collection of snakes kept by Mr.
E. Green, a very large specimen of Ancistrodon
Hypnale, which, judging from the size of the head,
which was nearly as large as the first joint of a
man's thumb, must have been nearly two feet in
length. Mr. Green very kindly showed me also a
curious bottled specimen of the above snake that
had for its tail a short blunt stump, such as may be
found among the Uropeltidae.
Chapter X.
Only one specimen of the Boidae is to be
found in Ceylon — the Python Molurus.
Python Molurus.
Head an elongated triangle, 11-13 upper
labials, the two in front pitted ; 17 or 18 lower
labials. Frontal divided by a median line. Two
prae-oculars, and three or four post-oculars.
Scales in 60 to 70 rows. Ventrals 242-265, anal
entire, sub-caudals 60-72. Tail prehensile.
Colour, yellowish or brown, with a vertebral
series of large black or brown blotches, supple-
mented by lateral series of small black blotches.
Upper surface of head pink, with a dark " split
pointed spear" mark, an offset of the marking q^'^^^ boidae.
the nape. Ventrals t yellowish and spotted near
edges. Grows to over 20 feet, but in Ceylon seldom
exceeds 12 feet. It has vestiges of rudimentary
hind legs protruding through the skin.
This snake is nocturnal, and is almost blind
in the daytime. It is very fond of water, and in-
cubates its eggs by coiling round them. It feeds
on small animals and birds.
Although it has not yet been found in Ceylon,
the Gongylophis is an interesting snake, and does
* In preparing this chapter I have obtained much valuable
information from Mr. Boulenger's volume on " Reptilia and
Batrachia of British India."
t Where the colour of the ventrals only is given, the sub-
caudals are of the same colour, the colour of the ventrals and the
sub-caudals being nearly always uniform.
well in captivity. I therefore append a brief
Gongylophis Coniciis.
Head triangular, and covered with small
scales, 12 to 14 upper labials ; scales very strongly
keeled ; ventrals 168-176 ; anal entire, and sub-
caudals 17-24 single.
Colour, light grey, with a dark, wide zigzag
pattern along the back, and covering most of the
body. Ventrals white. Length two feet.
This snake eats rats and mice, constricts its
prey, and in general habits resembles the python,
even in its love for water. Visible vestiges of hind
legs are found in the male but not in the female.
The Gongylophis is found in most parts of India,
and snake-charmers often amputate the end of the
tail and show the snake as a "two-headed serpent."
The Viperldae.
Viper a Russellii (Viperinae).
Head triangular, snout obtuse, nostrils large
between three shields, a narrow, supra-ocular shield,
head covered with small, strongly-keeled scales,
II or 12 upper labials, scales strongly keeled and
in 27-31 rows, ventrals 163-172, anal entire, sub-
caudal s 45-60 in two rows.
Colour, brown, with a black, chain-like pattern
The along the back, and blotches along the sides,
vipendae. yentrals white or cream-coloured, andoften spotted.
Length about 4 ft. 6 in. (adult).
The Vipera Rusellii utters a peculiar long-
drawn cry at night, which may be of almost any
note in the scale. The bite of this viper is very
deadly. It is nocturnal and ovoviviparous. A
specimen that I kept in captivity bore 22 young ;
one alive, nine dead, but free from the egg coverings
and twelve still in their eggs.
Ancistrodon Hypnale {Crotalinae).
Head triangular and distinct from neck, snout
much turned up at end, and covered with small
scale-like shields on upper surface, one or two post-
oculars, one or two sub-oculars, 7 or 8 upper labials,
and a loreal pit. Scales slightly keeled in 17 or 19
rows, ventrals 140-155, anal entire, sub-caudals
31-45 pairs.
Colour brown or ash, with large, black, alternat-
ing spots along each side of the vertebrae. Upper
lip with white line, belly a dust-like brown. Size
about 15 inches.
This snake when disturbed will proceed along
the ground with short jumps. Its bite is seldom
Trimeresitrus Trigonocephahis (Crotalinae).
Head pear-shaped, snout very short, upper
portion of head scale covered, internasals very
large, large supra-ocular divided in two, two or
three post-ocular and a sub-ocular, upper labials
9 or 10, and loreal pit touching second labial,
scales smooth or faintly keeled in 17-19 rows,
ventrals 147-152, anal entire, sub-caudals 57-67
pairs. Colour bright green, plain, or with black
markings, ventrals yellow, end of tail black. Grows
to 2 feet 4 inches. Tail prehensile.
A nocturnal and gentle snake, is sometimes
found on the tea bushes in estates, and confines
itself strictly to certain localities. The bite is
seldom fatal.
Sub-Family Colubrinae. Solid toothed.
Harmless. (Many of the uncommon varieties have
been omitted.)
Aspidura Brachyorrhos.
Head not distinct from neck, eye small with
round pupil, nasals very small, a single internasal,
frontal a little longer than its distance from end of
snout, two-thirds the length of the parietals, supra-
ocular more than half the length of the frontal,
praefrontals in contact with second and third
upper labials, separated from the eye by a prae-
ocular, two post-oculars ; six upper labials, fourth
entering the eye, four lower labials in contact with
anterior chin shields. Scales in 17 rows, smooth.
Ventrals 139-154, anal entire, sub-caudals 27-38,
body cylindrical.
Colour reddish brown, with four indistinct,
longitudinal streaks, and a vertebral series of black
dots. Nape with black cross-streaks. Ventrals
yellow. Grows to 14 inches. Found only in the
mountains, and is peculiar to Ceylon.
A spidura Trachyprocta.
Like the above, only it has 15 rows of scales ;
ventrals 120-147; sub-caudals 13-25 single.
Colour brown or black, with a longitudinal
series of small black spots and a dark lateral streak.
Ventrals black, or yellow spotted with black. Grows
to 15 inches.
Lycodon Atiliciis,
Head pear-shaped, bulging out from snout,
and slightly distinct from neck, eye small, inter-
nasals much shorter than the prae-frontals, frontal
shorter than its distance from end of snout, and
shorter than the parietals, one prae-ocular, two
post-oculars ; nine upper labials, 3rd, 4th, and 5th
entering the eye, four or five labials in contact with
anterior chin shields. Scales smooth, in 17 rows.
Ventrals 183-209, anal divided, sub-caudals 57-77,
in two rows. Body cylindrical, or slightly
Colouration variable ; brown or black above,
encircled with white rings, or with white cross bands
on posterior half of the body. Ventrals white.
Grows to 19 inches.
This snake often lives in houses, where some-
times a colony of six or seven may be found.
Lycodon Carinatiis.
Like the above, only it has its scales keeled,
and in 19 rows. Ventrals 188-194, anal entire, and
sub-caudals 53-64, single.
Colour like the preceding, only in the young
the back of the head is white. Grows to 26 inches.
The Lycodon Carinatus is not so common in
Ceylon as the Lycodon Aulicus.
Polydontophis Stibptmctahis,
Head short, slightly distinct from neck, eye
small with round pupil, frontal longer than its
distance from end of snout, as long as parietals, or
a little shorter ; one prae-ocular, two post-oculars,
both in contact with parietal ; nine or ten upper
labials, 5th and 6th entering the eye ; four lower
labials in contact with anterior chin shields. Scales
in 17 rows, smooth. Ventrals 151-220 ; anal
divided ; sub-caudals 47-76, double. Body cylin-
drical. Grows to 17 inches.
Colour pale brown or black, with small black
spots along the vertebrae, and also along the sides.
Head and neck dark. Two bands across front and
back of neck, enclosing broad yellow collar which
is itself bisected by a black median line extending
to a transverse line between the eyes. Ventrals
yellow, with a dot near each outer edge. A pretty
little snake, which is almost unmistakeable on
account of its yellow collar.
Ablabes Calamaria.
Head short and hardly distinct from neck,
eye small with round pupil, single nasal shield,
frontal longer than its distance from end of
snout, slightly shorter than the parietals, one prae-
ocular, and two post-oculars (only upper one in
contact with parietal), seven upper labials, third and
fourth entering the eye ; four lower labials in
contact with the anterior chin shields. Scales in
15 rows, smooth (or feebly keeled) Ventrals
130-154; anal divided; sub-caudals 64-76 in two
rows. Body cylindrical. Grows to 15 inches.
Colour pale brown, sometimes with two longi-
tudinal lines. Ventrals yellowish.
Simotes Arnensis.
Head short, not distinct from neck ; eye
small with round pupil. Frontal as long as its
distance from end of snout, or a little shorter, a
little shorter than the parietals ; one prae-ocular,
twopost-oculars, seven upper labials, third and fourth
entering the eye ; four lower labials in contact
anterior chin shields. Scales in 17 rows, smooth
or faintly keeled. Ventrals 170-202, and angulate
laterally ; anal divided ; sub-caudals 41-59, in two
rows. Body cylindrical. Grows to 24J inches.
Colour pale brown, with thick and distinct
black bands. A black band between the eyes, and
a black chevron behind, with the frontal as apex.
Ventrals yellow, sometimes spotted brown. Grows
to 22 inches.
Oligodon Sublmeatus,
Head short, scarcely distinct from neck. Eye
small with round pupil. Frontal longer than its
distance from the end of the snout, as long as, or
slightly longer than, the parietals. Prae-ocular
single, two post-oculars ; upper labials seven, third
and fourth entering the eye. Four lower labials in
contact with the anterior chin shields. Scales in
15 rows. Ventrals 136-159 ; anal divided, sub-
caudals 26-35.
Colour pale brown, often with a series of dark
spots arranged along the sides in pairs. Head
marked dark brown, with transverse band passing
through eyes, crossed by a longitudinal band from
frontal to end of parietals. Black spot on each
side of the neck. Ventrals yellowish, with three
series of small black spots, two lines of them being
along the edges of the ventrals and one line in the
centre. Body cylindrical. Grows to 10 inches.
Oligodon Templetonii,
Much the same as above, except that frontal
is much longer than its distance from the end of
the snout, and as long as the parietals. Three
lower labials in contact with anterior chin shields.
Ventrals 135, sub-caudals 21.
Colour, brown, with yellow, vertebral streak,
which is crossed by about 18 narrow, dark brown
bands, an oblique band below eye, but other head
markings indistinct. Ventrals white, with square
black spots, both colours being distributed in nearly
equal proportion.
Not so common as Oligodon Sublineatus.
Zamenis Mucosits.
Head elongate and distinct from neck. Eye
large, with round pupil. Frontal as long as its
distance from the end of the snout, as long as the
parietals, or slightly shorter ; one praeocular, with
a small subocular below, and two postoculars; eight
upper labials, fourth and fifth entering the eye ;
five lower labials in contact with anterior chin
shields. Scales keeled (often strongly) and in
seventeen rows. Ventrals 190-208, anal divided;
subcaudals 95-135, divided. Average size six feet
six inches, but I have obtained specimens in
Ceylon over nine feet in length.
Colour, brown, grey or black, sometimes with
a very deep green tinge, body often has narrow
black crossbands on the anterior portion and on
the tail. Ventrals yellow (low country in Ceylon),
or white (up-country in Ceylon). Young are light
in colour, and somewhat resemble the Zamenis
This snake is the largest of the Colubridae
(except perhaps the Naia Bungarus, which, how-
ever, is not found in Ceylon). It is commonly
known as the Rat-snake (Dhaman in India), and is
the commonest of Ceylon snakes, being often
found in the roofs of bungalows, where it goes to
catch rats. Very swift in movement, and extremely
savage if hurt or cornered.
Coluber Helena.
Head distinct from neck. Eye moderate,
with round pupil. Frontal as long as its distance
end of snout, shorter than the parietals ; one large
praeocular, two postoculars. Nine (sometimes ten
or eleven) upper labials, fifth and sixth, or fourth,
fifth and sixth entering the eye ; five or six lower
labials in contact with the anterior chin shields.
Scales in 23 to 27 rows, smooth (or feebly keeled),
Ventrals 220-265 ; anal entire ; subcaudals 75-94,
in two rows. Body elongate and slightly com-
pressed, Grows to between four and five feet.
Colour, light brown with dark crossbands or
festoon marks enclosing white ocelli. In the adult
the marking is indistinct or absent. It usually has
a vertebral series of black spots on anterior part of
the body, and a parallel series of dorsal spots^
sometimes with a black, white-edged collar. A
vertical black streak below eye, and an oblique one
behind it. Ventrals yellowish, sometimes with a
few small black spots.
A very gentle snake, with a peculiar habit of
encircling and holding its prey in its coils. It
does not crush its prey, but merely holds it in this
manner while getting its teeth fixed on the head.
Unlike the python, it encircles its prey by coiling
its body round it, instead of rolling over and round
it, as is the case with the Boidae.
Dendrophis Pictus.
Head distinct from neck, and elongate. Eye
large, with round pupil. Frontal as long as its
distance from the end of the snout, as long as the
parietals, or a little shorter ; one praeocular, two
or three postoculars. Nine or ten upper labials,
fifth and sixth, or fourth, fifth and sixth entering
the eye ; five lower labials in contact with the
anterior chin shields. Scales in 15 rows, smooth,
with apical pits, vertebrals as large as outer row.
Ventrals 167-205 ; anal divided ; subcaudals
1 10- 1 50, in two rows. Body elongate and com-
pressed. Grows to four feet.
Colour, olive or bronze above, with yellow
vertebral band along one-third of the anterior
portion of the body. Yellow longitudinal dorsal
streaks. Epidermis (between the scales) bright
blue near neck. Black streak from eye to lip,
which is yellow. Ventrals yellowish or pale
A timid and swift-moving snake, found on
trees and bushes.
Tropidonotus Ceylonensis .
Head distinct from neck. Eye moderate or
rather large with round pupil. Frontal longer
than its distance from end of snout, as long as the
parietals ; two praeoculars, three postoculars ;
eight upper labials, fourth and fifth entering the
eye ; four lower labials in contact with the anterior
chin shields. Scales in 19 rows, strongly keeled
(except sometimes the outer row). Ventrals
133-141 ; anal divided ; subcaudals 48-54, in two
rows. Body cylindrical. Grows to eighteen inches.
Colour, brown, with black crossbands and
large black-edged ocelli along the back (indistinct
in adult). Black band on each side of head
behind eye, and oblique band on each side of nape
and the space between yellow. Ventrals uniform
yellowish, sometimes anterior portion powdered
Tropidonotus Piscator (Quincunciatus). Known in
Ceylon as T. Asperrimus.
The same as the above, except that the eye is
smaller. It has one praeocular ; nine upper labials,
five lower labials in contact with anterior chin
shields. Ventrals 125-158 ; subcaudals 64-90.
Grows to three feet six inches.
Colour variable ; usually with dark spots
arranged in rows of five, separated by a white
network, and often invisible on the posterior part
of the body ; sometimes the spots are replaced by
white cone-shaped bands arranged along the
vertebrae, on which their apices are. Head marks
the same as in the preceding variety. Ventrals
white or pale pinkish.
The common "water-snake" of Ceylon. Very
numerous in paddy fields. Savage.
Tropidonottcs Stolatus.
Same as T. Quincunciatus, only eye moderate.
Frontal as long as the parietals ; eight upper
labials, third, fourth and fifth entering the eye ;
sometimes six lower labials in contact with the
anterior chin shields. Ventrals 125-161 ; subcau-
dals 50-85. Grows to two feet.
Colour, brown, with black crossbars intersected
by two longitudinal yellow lines. Ventrals white,
often with a black spot at the edge of each. Nape
red during breeding season.
Noc so aquatic as T. Piscator. A very gentle
Helicops Schistosus.
Head slightly distinct from neck. Eye
moderate, with round pupil. Frontal much longer
than its distance from end of snout, shorter than
the parietals ; one prae, two or three postoculars ;
eight or nine upper labials, third and fourth or
fourth and fifth entering the eye ; four or five
lower labials in contact with anterior chin shields.
Scales more or less keeled in 19 rows. Ventrals
129-151 ; anal divided ; subcaudals 55-85 in two
rows. Body stout and cylindrical. Grows to
two and a half feet.
Colour, dark brown, sometimes with small
spots along the back. Dark crimson streak along
last rows of scales on each side. Ventrals yellow.
A very common snake, often found in rivers
and streams in Ceylon.
Dipsadinae. A sub-family belonging to the back-
fanged order. Slightly poisonous.
Dipsas Ceylonensis.
Head spade-shaped and very distinct from
neck. Eye vertically elliptic and shorter than
snout. Internasals shorter than praefrontals.
Frontal longer than its distance from end of snout,,
and slightly shorter than parietals ; one or two
praeoculars reaching upper surface of head ; two
postoculars ; eight upper labials, third, fourth and
fifth entering eye ; four lower labials in contact
with anterior chin shields. Body strongly com-
pressed. Scales in 19 or 21 rows, slightly slanting;
vertebral scales much enlarged, nearly as broad as
long in middle of body. Ventrals 214-249; anal
entire; subcaudals 90-117 . Tail prehensile.
Colour, brown, with black heart-shaped marks,
sometimes terminating in dorsal streaks, along the
vertebrae. Black blotch or bars on neck, a dark
streak from eye to eighth upper labial. Ventrals
yellowish and dotted brown. Grows to four feet
three inches.
This snake is nocturnal, and is often found in
the thatched roofs of houses. Being of the back-
fanged order, it is only slightly poisonous. It
becomes very tame in captivity.
Dipsas Barnesii.
Resembles the above, but has eye as long as
snout ; three praeoculars, fourth and fifth upper
labials entering eye. Scales in 19 rows, hardly
oblique, vertebrals slightly enlarged. Ventrals
220, and subcaudals 99. It grows to 21 inches.
Colour, greyish brown, with lighter black-
edged transverse spots, black dorsal spots, black
band behind the eye, and labial suture blackish.
Ventrals white, powdered brown.
Dipsas Forstenii.
Very much like Dipsas Ceylonensis, but has
eye as long as snout. Frontal longer than its
distance from end of snout ; sometimes three
postoculars ; eight to eleven upper labials, third,
fourth, fifth, or fourth, fifth and sixth entering
eye ; three or four lower labials touching chin
shields ; vertebral scales feebly enlarged. Ventrals
259-270 ; subcaudals 106-131.
Colour, brown, rarely reddish, with angular
crossbars, but other features are the same as in
Dipsas Ceylonensis. Grows to four feet ten inches.
Dryophis Mycterizans.
Head triangular and very elongate, distinct
from neck, and with a dermal appendage at end of
snout. Eye large, with horizontal pupil. Frontal
as long as the parietals, or a little longer ; two
praeoculars, a small sub-ocular, and two post-
oculars ; eight upper labials, the fifth entering the
eye ; four lower labials bordering chin shields.
Scales m 15 rows. Ventrals 172-188 ; anal divided ;
subcaudals 140-166 (in two rows). Body elongate
and compressed.
Colour, bright green, with black chevrons on
the epidermis. Yellow Hnes along the edges of the
ventrals, which are pale green. Grows to four feet
eight inches (up-country) and five feet ten inches
(low country).
This snake is found on trees and shrubs.
Although belonging to a nocturnal family, it is
often seen out in the daytime. When alarmed
the snake has a habit of opening its mouth and
stretching its lower jaw into the form ot a square,
which gives it a most threatening appearance.
The up-country (hill) varieties are much
smaller than the low country ones. Of the two
hill varieties, one has green ventrals and the
other dark red ones.
Dryophis Pulverulenttcs.
Same as the above, only it has 182-194 ven-
trals, 1.54-173 subcaudals.
Colour, grey, powdered brown.
More nocturnal in its habits than Dryophis
Chrysopalea Ornata.
Head elongate and distinct from neck. Inter-
nasals nearly as long as praefrontals, only much
narrower. Frontal bell-shaped, and nearly as long
as its distance from end of snout, as long as the
parietals, or slightly shorter ; one prae and two
postoculars ; nine or ten upper labials, fifth and
sixth, or fourth, fifth and sixth entering the eye ;
five lower labials bordering chin shields. Scales in
17 rows. Ventrals 204-236; anal divided; sub-
caudals 1 18-138. Body slightly elongate and
compressed. Grows to about three feet ten inches.
Colour, black, with large red flower-shaped
spots along the back, and each scale spotted
yellow. Ventrals yellow, head black, with yellow
Another variety also is found in Ceylon : —
Pale olive, with black transverse bars, a black spot
at the edges of each ventral.
Found among cocoanut trees, but is rather
Sub-Family Elapinae. Anterior maxillary teeth
grooved. Poisonous.
Bmigarus Ceyloniciis.
Head round and scarcely distinct from neck.
Eye small, with round pupil. Frontal a little
longer than broad, sometimes as long as its
distance from end of snout, much shorter than
parietals ; one praeocular ; two postoculars ; seven
upper labials, third and fourth entering the eye ;
three lower labials in contact with anterior chin
shields. Scales in 15 rows, smooth; vertebrals
enlarged, hexagonal and broader than long. Ven-
trals 224-235; anal entire; subcaudals 35-40
single. Body round, tail cylindrical. Grows to
three feet.
Colour, black, encircled white. Back of adult
sometimes with white blotches instead of rings.
Ventrals white, banded black, as in the cobra ;
ventrals of young uniform white.
A very poisonous snake, which is not often
met with in Ceylon, except in certain localities.
Naia Tripudians (Common Cobra).
Head slightly distinct from neck. Eye small,
with round pupil. Internasal in contact with the
praeocular. Frontal as long as its distance from
the nostril, or a little shorter, much shorter than
the parietals; one praeocular and three postoculars;
seven upper labials, third and fourth entering the
eye ; four lower labials in contact with anterior
chin shields. 23 to 27 scales across the neck, 19
to 23 across the centre of the body. Ventrals
170-206; anal entire; subcaudals 49-75, double.
Body cylindrical, and neck dilatable to a great
extent. Grows to five feet two inches.
Colour, very variable. Ceylonese varieties are
mostly grey, brown, black, and sometimes rusty
coloured, almost always flecked with white or light
yellow, and have faint white chevrons on the
epidermis, with the vertebrals as their apices.
Neck with an inverted white spectacle pattern,
edged black, and often on a pinkish ground. This
pattern may sometimes be incomplete, or even
absent. Ventrals white, with broad black bars.
This snake is the commonest deadly snake in
Ceylon. It can be distinguished from all other
snakes by the presence of a small wedge-shaped
scale lying between the lower labials and the
mouth. The hood of the cobra measures about
one inch in width to every foot of the snake's
length. The cobra can erect its body to the
height of about one-third of its length.
Chapter XL
The Python. f^g Python Reticulatus is said to have once
A Burmese , ,, i • i • t 11 11 • t^
Legend. been a '' plain-skmned snake, but it got Eve to
weave patterns on its back.
This reptile was at that time so poisonous
that if it bit even the footstep of a man, the man
died. The Python, however, was not quite sure of
its deadly power, so it bit the footprint of a man,
and asked a crow to follow the latter, and see
whether he died. So the Crow followed the man,
and eventually came to a village where the funeral
of the dead man was taking place, and where there
was much noise and beating of tom-toms, as is
the custom at an Eastern funeral.
The Crow, under the impression that the
people were holding a festival, returned to the
Python and told him that the man could not have
died, as there was much noise and rejoicing in the
This so annoyed the Python that it climbed a
tree, spat out all its poison, and became harmless.
The other reptiles then came and licked up
the poison, but the Python made them promise
only to use their venom under provocation. The
Cobra promised that it would bite only when it had
been provoked seven times in one day. The water-
snakes and frogs refused to promise, and said they
would bite whenever they wished, so the Python
drove them into the water, where, their poison
being washed away, they became harmless.
The juice of the tree from which the Python
spat out its poison is used to this day by the
natives of Burma for poisoning their arrows.
The following legend is very popular with and The Naga-
fully believed in by the Singhalese : ^^°°^'
A certain cobra goes at night to the place
where it is accustomed to hunt, and ejects from its
mouth a phosphorescent stone, or jewel, which
attracts the frogs and lizards, in the same way as a
candle attracts moths and flies. The cobra then
eats as many of them as he requires.
Cobras containing this stone are reported to
be very rare indeed, and unusually large and
savage. The '' naga " stone is said to be obtain-
able in the following manner : —
"When a cobra, supposed to possess such a
stone, has been discovered, find out its hunting
ground and strip the bark off a tree near by. Then
go at about one o'clock in the morning, taking a
basket of manure with you. When the snake has
ejected the stone and withdrawn in pursuit of frogs,
fling the manure over the jewel and climb the tree.
On its return the cobra will be unable to find the
stone, its light being hidden under the manure. In
fury the snake will try and climb the tree after you,
but will be unable to do so owing to the absence
of the bark. At daybreak the cobra may go away,
in which case the stone may be taken, and will
bring good luck. If, however, the snake dies on
the spot the stone will bring misfortune."
The cobra might be called " the patron saint The
of Buddhists," to such an extent is the snake J^7|7X^"i°4
deified by the latter, and its image frequently for the
occurs in old stonework, brasswork, paintings, ^°^^^'
prints, and carving, often in the form of a five-
hooded deity.
In many representations of Buddha a cobra is
shown in the act of sheltering him from the rays of
the sun, with its extended hood.
A common behef is that if a man steps on a
cobra, the latter will look at him. If the man is
blind, the snake will not hurt him, but if the man
can see, it will at once bite him.
The Singhalese do not attribute to the cobra
the malicious and aggressive nature so often given
to it by Europeans. They regard it rather as a
symbol of justice. A protecting genius to those
who treat it well, but a symbol of death to those
who maltreat it. But apart from the supernatural
powers they endow it with, their idea of the nature
of the cobra is very accurate.
But whereas they regard the cobra as a symbol
of justice, they consider the Russell's Viper (Tic
Polonga) as a personification of a devil. The
following legend gives a very good illustration of
their convictions in this respect : —
The Cobra << A Small child allowed a cobra to drink out
RusseiPs of her chatty. When going away the cobra met a
Viper (Tic tic polonga. The latter asked the cobra where it
Polonga). (,Q^ij £nd somc watcr to drink, as it was very
thirsty. The cobra replied : ' There is a child not
far from here, with a chatty of water, who will give
you a drink, only if I tell you whereabouts she is,
you must promise not to bite her.' The polonga
promised, and the cobra directed it to the child.
'' The viper went, and having drunk from the
child's chatty, bit the child. The cobra, however,
had mistrusted the viper, and had followed it, to
see whether it kept its promise. By sucking the
poison from the wound the cobra saved the child's
life, and afterwards killed the viper ; the cobra
being unusually virulent, having the viper's poison
as well as its own in its system.
" Ever since there has been enmity between
the cobra and the tic polonga, and the former has
always been able to swallow the latter."
The Singhalese beHeve that great fights occur Enmity
between the cobra and the Russell's viper, but I cobrTand^
have never known of a case myself, though I have the Russeir?
kept cobras and Russell's vipers together in the ^^^^*
same box. There is, however, in the Madras
Museum a bottled cobra, killed in the act of
swallowing a Russell's viper thicker than itself. I
have never before known cobras to show can-
nibalistic tendencies, except in the case of small
varieties of snakes.
There is also a belief that the " Mapila "
(Lycodon Aulicus) kills people by sucking away
their blood, in much the same manner as a leech,
and that they are always found in sevens. As a
matter of fact, the Lycodons are often found living
together in a colony in one house. When killed the
body of the " Mapila" is burned by the natives, to
prevent the remaining six from turning up.
The Singhalese name given to theTropidonotus
Stolatus (and applied sometimes to the Ancis-
trodon Hypnale) means " Death by the roadside,"
and their idea is that this snake is so deadly that
after biting a man, it hurries out of the way to
prevent the dead body of the person bitten from
falling on it.
When looking over a copy of the magazine Account of
''Once a Week," dated 1861, I cam.e upon the ^e^P^^^ts,
following extract from an essay on Serpents, charies
written in the year 1741, by Charles Owen, D.D., ^^741"''"
which I reproduce : —
*' Serpents^ you will be good enough to remember^
are of three kinds ^ the Terrestialj the Aquatic^ and the
Amphibious. There be some with legs and some
without ; some viviparous and some oviparous ; some
carniverous and some vermivorous, feeding upon worms
and other reptiles in the summer time. In winter time
they all live upon air
" .... //J Norway are two serpents of very
large pvo{)oytions. One is 200 feet long, and lives in
rocks and desolate mountains near the sea abont Bergen,
which in summer nights ranges about in quest of
plunder, devouring lambs, calves, swine, and other
animals that fall in its way. In a calm sea it
ransacks the superficies of the water (being thus clearly
of the amphibious division) and devours the polypus
and all sorts of sea-crabs. . . .
" , . . Upon the approach of a shit>, this serpent
lifts up its head above the water and snatches at the
mariners, and rolls itself about the ship, the more
effectually to secure its prey.
*' The Henwrrhus is little in body, but terrible in
its executions, for when it wounds any person the blood
in his body flows out at all the apertures of it, which is
immediately followed by convulsions and death.
The Attaligatus is a small, slender serpent, not
exceeding in size the quill of a goose ; not poisonous in
nature, but very mischievous, for these little creatures
are one united body, and live in community and never
separate. They are a society without schism, which is
more than can be said of all human societies, civil or
ecclesiastic. When these small, harmonious reptiles go
abroad, they travel in company 100 strong or more,
and when they find any asleep they immediately seize
the body, and with a force united and irresistible, they
devour it.'^
Possibly the '' small slender serpents " referred
to above were leeches. Owen also makes mention
of other snakes ; *' the Acontia, which springs upon
its prey from beneath bushes, after turning itself
rapidly round and round on the ground in order to
obtain the rotary motion for his flight, that alone
insures accuracy of aim. It brings down men at
twenty cubits distance " — a certainly novel and
somewhat ingenious way of " striking." On the
other hand, '' the Paubera secures prey by means
of a hook fastened to the end of its tail, and
swallows oxen alive and entire." The *' Paubera "
was apparently a disciple of Isaac Walton. As a
matter of fact, the snake referred to was probably
a Python, and natives of the East still believe that
it uses its tail as an aggressive organ.
Mention is made also of a thirty-foot snake in
Brazil, presumably the Giant Anaconda.
There is a common belief among the Sinhalese
and Tamils that the Rat-snake (Zamenis Mucosus)
is a very low caste snake, and when once a man
has been bitten by it no other snake will bite him.
They also believe that the Russell's viper is the
young of the python.
An interesting account of the poisonous snakes An account
of Ceylon is to be found in Ribeiro's '^ Ceilao," ^^^i^^ero?'"
written in the year 1685, which interesting history " ceiiao.'
has recently been translated into English by
Mr. P. E. Pieris. Ribiero's account is as follows :
" There are also four kinds of venomous snakes ;
one is always found m warni^ marshy places^ and is
about two palms in length, of a brown colour, with a
wide belly " (probably Russell's viper ?). " When they
bite anyone the patient cannot shake off a fearful and
deep slumber, in which he dies in the course of six hours
unless relieved by remedies. There is another kind, the
bite of which renders the patient mad, but it is possible
to save him if assistance is given withtn twenty-fotir
hours. There is a third kind, wliich is still more
terrible; whenever they bite a man the poor patient's
blood pours out from all the openings in his body, and
when he reaches this condition he is beyond remedy.
There are others, again, which are called the Cobra de
Capello; although these are very poisonous, no Chingala
will kill them, or consent to their being killed if he can
help it. They assert that these are the queens of the
others, and that they do not bite anyone unless they are
offended ; and also that if any man kill one its mother,
father or sister would take vengeance for the death, and
they are so possessed with this idea that if one were to
bite their wife or child once or twice they would not do
it any injury, hut only summon it by means of a charm
and reprimand it ; the consequence is that they kill the
more, There is still another class of snakes, the
description of ivhich would appear like a fable. I
would myself not mention it, had not the truth of it
been vouched for by a prominent man born in the
island itself, and very well acquainted with everything
in it; for although the report is persistent it is
impossible to believe it. I refer to my comrade,
Caspar Figueira de Cerpe. This snake is of the
thickness of a top-string. Its length is three palms and
its colour brown'' {Dryophis Pulverulentus ?). ''It
places itself on a branch, and as a bull, buffalo, wild
boar, elk, elephant, or any other animal passes below so
thai it can touch it, the bones, nerves, and the flesh of
the part through which the venom passes rots to the
thickness of the snake's body, leaving, however, the skin
on the outside intact and in its usual state, but the
animal remains there, but has not the power to move,
and when they opened some of these animals to find out
what was the matter, they discovered such were its
effects. The same ill-luck befel a Chingala, and he
lived for some years in this fashion without being
cured but they do say that these snakes are not
numerous. There are others of a green colour, of the
same length and thickness as the former. These, too,
lie on branches, and as a man or animal passes by, they
pick out their eyes." {Probably Dryophis My cterizans,
whose "■ eye-pecking " propensities are believed in to the
present day.) ''Another kind, which they call the
mountain snake" {Python?), "will swallow up a
heifer or a stag, and some of these animals I have seen
when killed by our Caffres, who eat the flesh, and say
that it is very tasty and nourishing. Each slice had a
thickness exceeding one palm. And the meat was very
white, with scales like a whiting:'
The various experiments I have made wff-h
snakes in Ceylon have led me to beSve that Told
rats ^hat r."L '' " '^ ^^e mfrequency of the sun's
unsnif K "^f ^^^^ =^ ^I'^ate such as that of England
unsuitable for serpents. It is electricity that the
snake requires, and this is obtained from the sun's
rays m a tropical climate. In a cold climate the
unneceianr' '" ' ""'^'"'t "°-^ -' "believe!
unnecessarily excessive, the temperature being
often considerably higher than the average heat of
a tropical jungle. Much of this excessivfartSia
?oStnT ight ''''''■ ^^-"-sfully exchanged
souJ^'lT'^'Tf^ ^\ ^^"^ ^'^"^^ statement may
made ' thT u"''"^ '^^ "™^™"^ experiments I
.rHfi '■ . u '^'""^ '"^'^■^^ withdrew from anv
artificial heat introduced into their cages thpv
dearie li°hfr'°"w^° ^^'"^ beneath thfr^yfo'f
.n a dark Sr^e? nf^.t '^'^ "'"""^ "^^P' '^eir heads
Th« (^ S^ the cage to protect their eyes.
activkv on S' '^'f ' fu'^' '^^^ ^^^ ^'^ '"^■"ease in
activity on the part of the snakes.
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